Other Mixes By John Marcher
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Requisite Covers Mix
Just some fun covers. If you'd like to listen, there's a link up there. Cheers!Feedback:
Lots of these sound to better than the originals to me. Fun mix! Thanks for the link and Cheers back at ya!
The "Super Trooper" and "Born to Be Wild" covers were the two that made me fall off my chair, but also really enjoyed tracks 2 and 3, the 15 to 18 run... and I guess that Crispin Glover song made me fall off my chair too, but just because I was trying to get away from it real fast.
The Ellen McIlwane song is wonderful. I haven't heard her since buying an LP a long time ago.