Other Mixes By The Mutual Appreciation Society
Theme - Alternating DJ
Theme - Alternating DJ

Theme - Alternating DJ

Theme - Alternating DJ
Mixed Genre
Second Wind: with Hemizen & Avocado Rabbit
Hemizen was my mixing partner for this first of three alt-djs we collaborated on - actually four if you count the Life Lessons mix. Terry has a fine knowledge of many different styles of music, some of which are represented here. I like to think of this effort as a melting into the winds of music. The back-and-forth blows evenly. Be on the lookout for the next two mixes posting shortly.The quiz asks you to name the musician who wrote a song for Brian DePalma's movie "Snake Eyes." To the winner goes a full copy of the mix.
I'm looking forward to listening to this. Great collaboration with a lot of my favorite artists. It's hard for me to pick standout tracks, but I love that Lucinda Williams cover.
Really nice looking collaboration from tip to tail. Great Paul Simon pick.
Lucinda into Prine into Hiatt into Emmylou, you must have read my mind.