
Member Since: 1/22/2007
Total Mixes: 36
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Other Mixes By freezerkitty

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

Mix 18 (Compilation of Mixes 9-16/Adventure Mix)

Artist Song
Caviar  Lioness 
Deadsy  Crimson and Clover (featuring Cher) 
Aereogramme  Indiscretion Number 243 
LCD Soundsystem  Never as Tired as When I'm Waking Up 
The Go! Team  Huddle Formation 
Mew  Why Are You Looking Grave? 
Guillemots  Trains to Brazil 
Piebald  Fat and Skinny Asses 
The Knife  Heartbeats 
Shudder to Think  Mom's Mercedes 
The Fire Theft  Oceans Apart 
The Chemical Brothers  Setting Sun 
The Doves  Some Cities 
Kid Dynamite  Bookworm 
Need New Body  Shark Attack 
Wolf Parade  I'll Believe in Anything 
Out Hud  It's for You 
Blur  Battle 
Eagles of Death Metal  I Gotta Feelin (Just Nineteen) 

