
Member Since: 4/26/2002
Total Mixes: 38
Total Feedback: 36

Other Mixes By Berlinda

Playlist | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme
Playlist | Mixed Genre

Greetings to the New Brunette

Artist Song
Sarah Shannon  Down 
God Help the Girl  Come Monday Night 
Andy Partridge  Cherry in Your Tree 
The Kinks  Picture Book 
The Marvelettes  Here I am Baby 
Go Home Productions   Like I Absolutely Love You 
The Minus 5  That's Not the Way that It's Done 
The Shins  Know Your Onion! 
She & Him  I Was Made for You 
Bella  For the Last Time 
XTC  Stupidly Happy 
East Hundred  Meantime 
Richard Hawley  Baby You're My Light 
Billy Bragg  Greetings to the New Brunette 
Joe Jackson Band  Awkward Age 
Camera Obscura  The Sweetest Thing 
Ron Sexsmith  Not About to Lose 
Georgie James  Look Me Up 
Soulsister  The Way to Your Heart 
Ryan Paris  Dolce Vita 


1 down sarah shannon
Joe Shannon used to teach painting at MICA; Sarah is his daughter, and she used to be the lead singer of Velocity Girl. This is from her first (and best) eponymous album.

2 come monday night god help the girl
This is one of Belle & Sebastian's Stuart Murdoch's new projects, where he auditioned singers by YouTube.

3 cherry in your tree andy partridge
Andy Partridge, lead singer of XTC, is a seriously weird dude. This song was supposedly originally on a kids' album, but I am extremely dubious....

4 picture book the kinks
The Kinks are new to me (and I am loving them). This is a very catchy song.

5 here i am baby the marvelettes
The Marvelettes are one of the 60s girl groups that more people should know about.

6 like i absolutely love you go home productions
Jon, you may find this sacrilegious, but I hope not. This, in a nutshell, is the BEST mash-up EVER. EVER. You may not think Scritti Politti and Justin Timberlake would be two tastes that taste great together, but they are...they ARE.

7 that's not the way that it's done the minus 5
From the great album "Down With Wilco." Jeff Tweedy, Peter Buck and a sack of locusts are in the band too.

8 know your onion! the shins
Ronnie pointed out that the shins are channeling XTC with this song.

9 i was made for you she & him
This is actress Zooey Deschanel and musician M Ward's project. The album itself is very spotty, but there are a few gems here, and this is one of them.

10 for the last time bella
A Canadian band that I like a LOT. Very dancy and cool.

11 stupidly happy XTC
I heard a interview on NPR with Andy Partridge for the release of Wasp Star: Apple Venus 2 and he said that this song was built on a Rolling Stones-esque riff.

12 meantime east hundred
East Hundred is one of my favorite "new" Philly bands.

13 baby you're my light richard hawley
A really lovely song...apparently Richard Hawley was part of the group Pulp, and is now a producer of other singers (like A Girl Called Eddy).

14 greetings to the new brunette billy bragg
I used to think this song was called "Shirley"

15 awkward age joe jackson band
So, so catchy and relatively recent...Joe's still got IT!

16 the sweetest thing camera obscura
Another awesome Scottish import. They've moved out of the shadow of Belle & Sebastian and into their own light

17 not about to lose ron sexsmith
I had forgotten how much I liked Ron Sexsmith's album Retriever (which is where this song normally lives).

18 look me up georgie james
Former Q and Not U frontman John Davis's new duo.

19 the way to your heart soulsister
A really random song from the late 80s that I loved then and now.

20 dolce vita ryan paris
This very obscure Euro-Pop/Disco song was played in the next to last scene of "The Last Days of Disco", one of my favorite movies EVER.
image for mix


Date: 8/4/2009
What I know I love (God Help The Girl, The Shins, She & Him, XTC, Billy Bragg, Camera Obscura) and what I don't know I'm extremely curious to give it a listen. Btw, I very much enjoyed your comments! :] I love how Camera Obscura has managed to pave a road that's all their own!
Date: 8/4/2009
indeed this is right up my alley -- locals like The Minus 5 and then Kinks and Andy Partridge and of course I'm a sucker for Camera Obscura
Date: 8/5/2009
my personal motw. very cool.
Date: 8/5/2009
Thanks for all the great comments!
nervous breakdance
Date: 8/17/2009
Good job! Great songs by Joe Jackson, XTC, Billy Bragg...great title and everything.