Other Mixes By Stucknthemiddle9
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre

Daughter of Frank Mix
Artist | Song | |
College | Animal Collective | |
Ashamed | Deer Tick | |
Jungle Love | Steve Miller Band | |
Say My Name | Sick Puppies | |
Wicked Games | Chris Isaak | |
Swing Life Away | Rise Against | |
Alone Down There | Modest Mouse | |
All the Above | Maino ft. T-Pain | |
A Well Respected Man | The Kinks | |
M79 | Vampire Weekend | |
Sultans of Swing | Dire Straits | |
Not the Sun | Brand New | |
Name | Goo Goo Dolls | |
Mishto | Gogol Bordello | |
Inside My Head | Radiohead | |
Rock 'N Roll Lifestyle | Cake | |
Killbot 2000 | Murder By Death | |
Sacrifice | The Expendables | |
Circles | Break of Reality | |
How You Like Me Now? | The Heavy | |
This is my mix for the Daughter of Franksenstein Project.1. Song under 1 minute2. Song from last album bought (the album was "Born on Flag Day")
3. Old song that you heard for 1st time in the last year
4. Cover you like better than original (Nothing like a Rock version of Destinys Child)
5. A sexy song
6. Song reminds you of 1st relationship
7. 7th song from an album (its the 7th track on The Moon and Antarctica - my fav. modest mouse album)
8. Favorite song from genre/style you usually don't like
9. Beatlesque song
10. Song from year you graduated high school
11. Live version better than studio version
12. Song with "sun" in title
13. Song that makes you cry
14. Song in a language you don't speak
15. A b-side
16. Life is a TV show, this is your theme song
17. Your least favorite song by your favorite artist
18. Song from most recent artist you paid to see
19. Song without words
20. Song title = question?

I switched the artist and song titles...how do i fix it?
Very nice. Hope you don't mind the imitation.