
Member Since: 12/26/1999
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glass ppl shouldn't pass stones [Jul 2010]

Artist Song
Sleigh Bells  Tell 'Em  
The Chemical Brothers  Swoon 
Neon Indian  Deadbeat Summer 
Yeasayer  I Remember 
Robyn  Dancing On My Own 
Holy Ghost!  Say My Name 
The xx  Islands 
Belle & Sebastian  Lazy Line Painter Jane 
MGMT  Brian Eno 
Spoon  The Mystery Zone 
Wavves  King of the Beach 
Surfer Blood  Swim 
Best Coast  Boyfriend 
Free Energy  Bang Pop 
Black Lips  Before You Judge Me 


Yaaaay summer!! Block parties, BBQs and festivals, oh my!!

Some of my summer favorites. . . all of which (except B&S and Black Lips) I've seen in concert this year.

Title comes from the two weeks I spent passing a kidney stone, which I likened to "replacing my kidney with a peanut butter lined brown bag with a live rat inside."
