Other Mixes By otisfrimpa
Theme - Alternating DJ
MP3 Playlist
Holiday - Holiday: Other
Theme - Depression
Mixed Genre
Theme - Depression
All Things Familiar
For Blue Birds.July 2011
A Zach, a Jeffrey, and a Kesh decided to start a side project. This is the cover album that we're starting with (with an opening instrumental track and an ending vocal track written by us :D)
"Well yes sir, yes sir, yes it was me, I know what I've done, cause I know what I've seen. I went out back and I got my gun, I said, 'You haven't met me, I am the only son'.."
![image for mix](https://artofthemix.blob.core.windows.net/uploadimages/127322_240071_708342633552_3100404_37263981_6849298_o.jpg)