Other Mixes By Dead Heaven
Theme - Alternating DJ
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
ESTA GRABACION (a falta de algo mejor)
When I was a child, growing up while traveling through Central America, I swore to my mom, who is Puerto Rican, and a to few other folks as well, that I could never get into 'music in Spanish'. It was not so much the sound and definitely not the language; I just could not find any songs that spoke to me. Over the years (and thanks in part, also, to my soul mate) I have come across many, many proverbial 'diamonds in the rough'. I don't know if if that's an accurate descriptor, as these artist make up a measurable percentage of my music collection. I do have a broad taste in music, but sufficed to say these artist are NOT an anomaly in my collection. I decided to make this mix as part of a Christmas gift to my mom.Note: this is my first mix as a gift to a family memeber.
For the sake of being myself ( my family knows what I mean by this), I arranged the anthology, loosely, from a less traditional sound to more of what they were used to and then back again. The mix is a bit broader than "spanish goth' or 'rock en espa±ol' , and as hard to describe now as it would have been for the 6 year old version of me; you'll just have to look up some of these songs and hear for yourself.
Notable omission: Aleks Syntek's 'Sexo Pudor y Lßgrimas'. It didn't fit, physically and metaphorically. I like that song a lot but , despite that its sound and lyrics are just not my style ( tho I thought my parents would have enjoyed it)
hey! it's nice to see some music in spanish in this site! :)