Other Mixes By spirit_of_83
MP3 Playlist
New Age - Meditation

a NoiSy ThinG
Artist | Song | |
Brainiac | Superdupersonic (theme of Brainiac) [Superduperseven 7"] | |
Arm | Suddenly Sorry [s/t 7"] | |
Shiny Beast | Lodestar [s/t 7"] | |
Degenerates | Fallout [Fallout 7"] | |
Helios Creed | Fields of Green [Deep Blue Love Vacuum] | |
Red Asphalt | Phone Call From God [s/t 7"] | |
The Worst | Future [s/t 7"] | |
Slowjam | E.G.P.F. [split 7" w/ Crabladder] | |
Brand of Shame | Glad You're Gone [V/A Shut the Gate, Suzy, and Don't Let Me In] | |
Bullet in the Head | Nifungo [V/A Bulb Singles #1] | |
Shoeface | Resemblance [Lift CD] | |
Haberdasher | Conversor [V/A Hot Rock Action Volume Three 7"] | |
Zany Guys | Hardcore [Party Hits Volume Two 7"] | |
Kurt | Thousand/ Brooks, Cocktails and Waitresses [Schesaplana 12"] | |