Other Mixes By nostromo53
Mixed Genre

Mixed Genre

Mixed Genre

Pop - Pop/Rock

(Put On Your) Eargoggles!
This mix is called Eargoggles. It's called that because it's meant to be listened to with eargoggles - that is, a big honkin' pair of high end, very expensive headphones. Why is that? Because this mix contains those recordings that over the years I've enjoyed MOST listening to with eargoggles. Simply put, there are little, sometimes amusing, sometimes bordering on cosmic, things that can only be heard with eargoggles on these recordings. These things range from crazy panning from channel to channel, to spoken asides, to huge spatial expansions, to cosmic bits expressed in Morse code, to vocals that have you believing that the singer is sitting on your shoulder. In the following description of tracks, the timing of a particular event, if given, is approximate. It is alsoadvisable to watch the CD timing so you don't miss these pithy moments.