Other Mixes By Ryan Shepard
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Midsummer New York
Side A | ||
Artist | Song | |
The Raincoats | Adventures Close to Home | |
Pink Floyd | Scarecrow | |
Albert Ayler | Zion Hill | |
The Small Faces | The Universal | |
Tomorrow | My White Bicycle | |
Yoko Ono | Mindtrain | |
ESG | Parking Lot Blues | |
Disco 3 | Human Beat Box | |
Donovan | Atlantis | |
The Incredible String Band | Witches Hat | |
John Cale | Antarctica Starts Here | |
Nick Drake | Cello Song | |
The Fugs | Ah! Sunflower Weary of Time | |
Side B | ||
Artist | Song | Buy |
Yves Montand | Rue St. Vincent | |
Dusty Springfield | Breakfast in Bed | |
Curtis Mayfield | When Seasons Change | |
Django Reinhardt | Improvisation #2 | |
Orange Juice | Falling and Laughing | |
Kicking Giant | Weird | |
Delta 5 | Anticipation | |
Talking Heads | No Compassion | |
Modern Lovers | Summer Morning | |
War | Summer | |
Yoko Ono | Midsummer New York | |
Mars | Puerto Rican Ghost | |
Girls at Our Best | Getting Nowhere Fast | |
John Lennon | I Know (I Know) | |
The Kinks | Lavender Hill | |
Young Marble Giants | Final Day | |
TheFlatlanders | Tonight I'm Gonna Go Downtown | |
Like I said before, there is no excuse for Yoko on any mix.
This is classic, Ryan. And ignore dogma boy... just because Yoko is a loathsome figure, it doesn't mean that some of her early '70s work wasn't good. SERIOUS props to the Small Faces, Raincoats, Albert Ayler, Barrett, Nick, Kinks, YMGs, Donovan, and Modern Lovers choices. This is truly tasty stuff. Check my mixes out--we should trade.
Unless you happen to LIKE Yoko...then there is perfect excuse for it....
You can not justify Yoko's musical ability because there is none. I'm not talking in terms of her personality. She could feed a million homeless folks, doesn't change the fact that she just can't sing a tune to save her life or John's.
And someday you'll come out with a decent mix. Let us hope. And if you can honestly say you like Yoko's music, you're a liar.
I'm not interested in starting a debate about this - just wanted to say a quick word in my defense: although Yoko Ono has made some unbearably pretentious music over the years, it's offset by how forward thinking and brutally honest her successes were.
It's a matter of taste, obviously - if you don't like difficult music, or are happy to subscribe to the easy dismissal of her as "the bitch who broke up the Beatles," I can't say anything to change yr. mind.
It's a matter of taste, obviously - if you don't like difficult music, or are happy to subscribe to the easy dismissal of her as "the bitch who broke up the Beatles," I can't say anything to change yr. mind.
this may be one of the best i've seen so far.
Yer mixes are so bad, I could fart, record it and it would be better than anything you'd make.
Gentlemen, please -
there's no point in
arguing taste - if we're not going to use this as just forum to trade tapes with people of similar interests, it's likely just gonna degenerate into a tiresome pissing contest.
there's no point in
arguing taste - if we're not going to use this as just forum to trade tapes with people of similar interests, it's likely just gonna degenerate into a tiresome pissing contest.
Ryan...chiiiill. I'm just jokin' around with Robbie.
Nice mix.
Ever hear of Mr. Methane?...that guy has a cd out of tunes. Brilliant. Seriously.
oh, and i didn't mention it when i picked this as mix of the week, but...god bless yoko. anyone that inspires such a level of frothing hatred and confusion in such a chunk of the general populace MUST be doing SOMETHING right, i say. plastic ono band rocks my world, and that's that. so there. all ya all who can't rock it sideways can go groove on to some dave matthews band and sod off.
Ya know...Mr. Conroy and I were talking about this earlier...if Yoko had never sponged off of John, she would just be some talentless musician. Ono band aside, she was not good at art or music. I'm only frothed at Yoko because she schemed her way into the business and with her deluded sense poured it out on us courtesy of mr. lennon which just isn't right.
If Yoko was just sponging off of John, it's interesting that she was famous enough for him to meet her at one of *her* shows, not one of his. The anti-Yoko stuff is the typical sexist noise people make when a successful woman gets with a successful, but more well-known man. Hooha, you're "like a detuned radio." Your schtick is getting tiresome. Ryan--great mix. YOu deserved mix of the week.
Welcome to AOTM and what a great debut!!!
Hang on a second, Candra, Hooha has a right to his opinion... and I don't think he's wrong (to a degree)about the "sponging" aspect. The world would certainly not have a sixteenth as much interest about Yoko in general if she hadn't hooked up with a Beatle. I don't understand how you can dispute that... there's not even a hint of a sexist thought lurking behind it and I think your tossing out that word at this point is the AOTM equivalent of a Johnny Cochran maneuver. A show in London and some fame in New York avant-garde circles does NOT equal worldwide interest. And I believe Hooha was talking about her music, anyway; as I assume you know, Lennon met her at an art show. Keep in mind as you read thist that I LIKE some of Yoko's music (as is documented here), so I'm not railing against her (or you, for that matter) with any real animosity... I just think this point needed to be made.
Please folks, this is not the forum to discuss Yoko's worthiness or whatever. Taste my good friends is subjective. Lets stick the point and talk about how great this mix is. In terms of Hooha's comments I believe Candra was saying, Hooha we got the point, you hate Yoko, no need to tell us in every post. The point is John chose Yoko to spend his life with, embraced her art and promoted it. I am sorry you can't accept Beatle John as having his own will and thus was manipulated by Yoko. I guess it's How you sleep at night.
Woah, I make a yoko comment and I'm a sexist pig with a "schtick" all the sudden. Aaallrighty then...I don't have problem with women climbing the ladder of success whether it be in a professional manner or whether it be in a naked manner. I just think it's a shame. If you don't think she duped him then you're naive. And if you think there'd be a Yoko cd on the shelves if she never met him, then you're sadly mistaken too. Not that I dislike her so much even though I think she's a schrewd yet highly successful businesswoman, no doubt about that. But it's like Hasselhoff using his fame to put out a cd. But I respect him more since he didn't sleep his way to fame, he drove a cool talking car! So nyah! :)
No need for us to comment on you any longer Hooha, you display your sexism with the naked comment and I am glad to know you and only you channel the soul of John Lennon and I guess John has told you that Yoko duped him and that he never loved the woman. He art never inspired him to think "out of the box". I see you and author Mr. Goldman have alot in common.
Great mix, for both the songs and the number of comments recieved on it..As far as Yoko's merits as an artist or a singer, I don't like a lot of her stuff but to say that she sponged on John is just wrong..John and Yoko are just a great Love story...Besides everyone knows that the REALLY talentless one is Julian!...(although Sean is AMAZING)
a tremendous mix. absoulutely top notch and beautifull. i've never been to NY, but this mix makes me feel like i have hazy memories of a summer there. Yoko: Tremendous
Yoko Ono is talentless when it comes to music and art. From all I've heard or tried to hear and seen, she was pretentious and god awful. Her only contribution to the world was the inspiration she gave John. Sean is a spoiled little brat and couldn't even fit in Julian's shoes and that's pretty bad cause Julian's music is crap too. lol.
Hooha, you made your point. NOONE HERE IS SAYING YOU SHOULD LIKE YOKO. ARE YOU TO DENSE TO FIGURE THAT OUT. DO US ALL A FAVOR AND SHUT THE F--- UP!! Each additional comment you make only makes you look far more pathetic. It is amazing how you continue to sink lower and lower.
Poor Julian... as much as I dislike his music, I don't think Sean's is any better... and at least I can stomach Julian as what I perceive him to be as a human being.
ryan, aren't you glad you put yoko on here? wind 'em up and lookit 'em go!! (makes me wanna stick skrewdriver next to amy grant on a mix and watch the glorious mayhem ensue...) please don't let this avalanche of petulant soapboxing and righteous-pontificating by some put you off posting another mix as fantastic as this one...
Yeah, Ryan, when it comes down to it, the primary point here is: THIS IS AN AMAZING MIX. Congrats on the Mix of the Week thing, too. :-)
Finklebinder is cracking me up. I can't take it. LOL! You know what I really hate about Yoko...is that she's ugly! John coulda done so much better! I mean, maybe she's a step up from Brian Epstien, but she's hard to look at, ya know? Kinda like her music...hard to listen to! Btw, great mix, Ryan. Apart from the double Yoko Ono addition. :)
Yoko may be ugly, but she gets more ass than Hooha--he's always makin' mixes for bitches he drools over that only rebuff him---what a fuckin' pathetic piece of shit...and then there's those shit-burger mixes (like Go Ahead Make my Day) that he makes or steals the idea from GOOD mixers, like Jere Chandler...someone crack his code soon...and wipe this jerk-off out !! (oh, nothin' personal...n' have a NICE DAY )
I do not hear you unless you make a mix yourself to back up what you spew.
grow up, son, they're just bustin' yer balls a bit, new guy to the site, n' all...go with it...it's all just good fun!
First off, I'm not new to this site and whenever I call you out, ya bitch up. I'm begging you to make a mix. Begging! Hide behind your fake names. Coward. Maybe I'll shut my yapper if you show me up. I just need one good mix from you. Can you do that, cause oh golly gee I'd love to see it. (sorry, ryan feel free to delete my comments as well since I am off the subject. :))
Love and Mercy! Love and Mercy!
Papa told me he luvs this mix! Love and Mercy
Papa told me he luvs this mix! Love and Mercy
I want all of you awful kids to lay off my son. Hooha is a fine, fine boy who would never hurt anyone. He is an honest, loving giver, and his room is spotless. (Thanks, Honey! :-)) I'll admit, he does let his potty-mouth get away from him sometimes. But that is a matter for his parents to deal with, and I assure all of you that when Vernon gets home, he will sit down and have a nice chat with our boy. Now, I don't want to be a "party pooper", because I think that this is a really neat site and you should be able to have your fun, but just remember to play nice. Okay, kids? Thanks a lot! Bye!
My mom and dad's name aren't Ellie and Vernon. :P
Hooha, why do you feel compelled to continue to restate the same thing over and over. Once is enough. I will give you that privilage but 5 or 6 comments that basically say the same thing? You give your opinion, then someone differs, doesn't slam you, yet you feel compelled to comment because they don't agree with you. Do you have any idea that this is the reason you get the crap ou there. It's not because you state an opinion. We will grant you that freedom but then someone states another and you MUST comment. I hate to burst your ego but not all the comments claiming adoration for Yoko are directed at you.
You all slam me and get personal about my comments. Read what you all say. Don't play Mr. P.C. here. And who the F are you anyways. Why do I get shit from people who don't even make mixes here? F off.
take it outside boys. please.
Um, what Spoon said - having this kind of nonsense as a response to my 1st posting isn't very encouraging! Less bickering, more hardcore record nerdishness, huh?
...like I said, boy....they all HATE ya' (be seein' ya soon, huh?).
heh. (hey backwards, that's: heh. (heh).
Ryan, keep up the good work, I agree less bickering, more record nerdishness. BTW, embrace the power of the magic delete feature. looking forward to your future mixes.
Hey there aey-one; I see y'all dig DORKWARE 3.0. Yes, with BONUS UPGRADES you now can become Hooha's PARENTS(reference below post). Just heed the package warnings, content advisory...and as always, thanks for your support.
This is so lame. Ryan, if I would have known Bill Gates and the turd who doesn't make a mix and goes under stupid fake names was going to show up here. I wouldn't have kept commenting. Sorry. Like Casetta said, use the delete feature in your update section. Oh and to Satan...The only people who seem to not like me are the ones who don't even make mixes. So why should I care what you all worthless morons think?
obviously we here @ microsoft have a bit more....er tweaking to do. there just ain'y nuthin' like the real squeal hisself. heh !
If you're gonna pretend to be someone else...don't be a rich nerd cause that's just reaching, man. You, rich? Don't have the brain cells to be. Give it up and live in the now.
oh man, am I the only one that really dug Sean Lennon's CD? Shoot.
very cool looking mix but oh man, this is just priceless. i go away for a few days and it's all gone down! except hooha's just winding everyone up. for the record it's john lennon that's the overrated sacred cow bore, don't you think?
I wish people responded to my mixes like this. Bye bye
I just wanted you to know, Ryan, that this mix has only GROWN in my estimation since I've heard it now... Quite possibly the best straight-up mixed genre mix that I have ever heard.