Rob Conroy

Member Since: 1/22/2001
Total Mixes: 629
Total Feedback: 9267

The history book has lost its binding.

Artist Song
Guided by Voices  Paper Girl 
Guided by Voices  Drinker's Peace 
Guided by Voices  When She Turns 50 
Guided by Voices  How Loft I Am? 
Guided by Voices  Weedking 
Guided by Voices  Quality of Armor 
Guided by Voices  Exit Flagger 
Guided by Voices  14 Cheerleader Coldfront 
Guided by Voices  Wished I Was a Giant 
Guided by Voices  Jar of Cardinals 
Guided by Voices  My Impression Now 
Guided by Voices  Indian Fables 
Guided by Voices  Kisses to the Crying Cooks 
Guided by Voices  Uncle Dave 
Guided by Voices  If We Wait 
Guided by Voices  Hardcore UFO's 
Guided by Voices  Tractor Rape Chain 
Guided by Voices  The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory 
Guided by Voices  Smothered in Hugs 
Guided by Voices  Gold Star for Robot Boy 
Guided by Voices  Awful Bliss 
Guided by Voices  Demons Are Real 
Guided by Voices  Peep-Hole 
Guided by Voices  You're Not an Airplane 
Guided by Voices  I Am a Scientist [e.p. version] 
Guided by Voices  Johnny Appleseed 
Guided by Voices  Scissors 
Guided by Voices  Postal Blowfish 
Guided by Voices  Game of Pricks 
Guided by Voices  Motor Away 


Additional tracks: "Ex-Supermodel", "Little Whirl", "My Son Cool", "Color of My Blade", "Big Boring Wedding", "It's Like Soul Man", "Sheetkickers", "Satellite", "Key Losers", "Teenage FBI [Wish in One Hand version]". This comp is posted at request of M P and, in a sense, in response to a comment from Spoon. I did this comp back in May but did not want to post it for a few different reasons, the most notable of which is the fact that I now LOATHE the current edition of GbV and Mr. Pollard, in general. Perhaps if Mr. Pollard weren't so hell-bent on releasing ever single fart that he ever records (to be lapped up by Pollard acolytes everywhere, who proclaim each little blip to be pure genius) I'd have respect for him at this point. (Keep in mind that for a few years--or at least from 1994-96--I thought that GbV could do no wrong.) At any rate, this was assembled, in part, for me to re-evaluate my stance on them a bit and to determine if I was perhaps being too harsh... and also to see if I could then trade off some of their stuff once I'd finished. Sadly enough, making this mix actually DECREASED my appreciation for even the stuff that I once held closest to my heart... although these 40 songs in 80 minutes are certainly quite lovely. But aside from a few other tunes--"Hit", "Salty Salute", "Hunting Knife", "Buzzards...", "Mesh Gear Fox", "Marchers in Orange", "Dusted", "Snowman" and "Long Distance Man" spring to mind--I can't think of much else by GbV that I'd still like to own... I understand that this is all my opinion, incidentally, and would never claim that these guys are a LOUSY band. I just think they've lost their soul. I'm open to the flurry of abuse or commentary that I'm sure to get...


lo-fi jr.
Date: 7/12/2001
I'm with you man! Always sad when a once cherished artist starts to suck so badly that you begin to hear that suckiness in their past work (did that make sense?) Thanks for my theme song "I Am A Scientist".
Brandt Fundak1
Date: 7/13/2001
Hey Rob, you're not from Dayton are you? Because the kids from Dayton that I knew in school were always the GbV fanatics. I think I knew it was over for them when one of these Dayton kids told me that when GbV was Bob + Cobra Verde someone writing a zine asked Bob what he thought of Cobra Verde, and Bob's response was a drunken "Cobra Verde sucks!"
Rob Conroy
Date: 7/13/2001
First: you're welcome, lo-fi, and thanks for the back-up. :-) And second: no, Grant, not from Dayton... but from Pittsburgh, which isn't far away (as I gather you'd know). And I agree with Bob's pronouncement, esp these days.
Brandt Fundak1
Date: 7/13/2001
Grant? Grant?! Jeez.

Pittsburgh eh? That reminds me of joke that people like to tell round these parts (these part will be obvious after the joke is told.)

Q: What's the best thing about Pittsburgh?

A: The sign that says "Cleveland, 100 Miles." ;)
Brandt Fundak1
Date: 7/13/2001
Did you ever notice that you never see Brandt Fundak and Rob Conroy in the same room together?

Just thought I'd point that out.
M P12
Date: 7/27/2001
This is a really nice collection of old school GBV... "Club Molluska" "Drinker's Peace"and "Liar's Tale" would've been great additions, I'd say...

You should give some of Pollard's recent work a fair shake, I think. Try listening to 'Speak Kindly of Your Volunteer Fire Dept'...that one bridges the gap between new and old GBV really nicely.
Rob Conroy
Date: 7/27/2001
"Drinker's Peace" IS on the disc, M P. Thanks for the comments. I'm familiar with "Speak Kindly..." and it's easily the best recent thing, but it still doesn't thrill me. Doug Gillard is the Antichrist. lol