
Member Since: 8/3/2001
Total Mixes: 38
Total Feedback: 248

Other Mixes By Handfulls

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

Kobya ma may bok (a mare has small side)

Side A
Artist Song
Sally Timms  Horses 
The Rolling Stones  Wild Horses 
King Kong  White Horse 
Rheostatics  Horses 
Giant Sand  Always Horses Coming 
Palace Brothers  No More Workhorse Blues 
Smog  I Break Horses 
Red Red Meat  Carpet of Horses 
Johnny Cash  Tennessee Stud 
Side B
The Byrds  Chestnut Mare 
Palace Songs  All Gone, All Gone 
Smog  Chosen One 
Palace Songs  Stable Will 
Echo and The Bunnymen  Bring on the Dancing Horses 
Mayo Thompson  Horses 
Freakwater  Pale Horse 
Flying Burrito Brothers  Wild Horses 
Palace Songs  Horses 


This is a very old mix (at least four or five years) and so it doesn't completely accurately represent my tastes terminal 2001, though I still listen to much of this music. That said I've always been quite fond of this because I was very creative with the sequencing and managed to have the running order create a sort of palindrome. Basically the first song somehow relates to the last, the second to the second last, etc. etc. Cool, huh? Some of the connections are beyond tangential, but in any case this is how it works:
Songs 1/18 - Original/Cover; songs 2/17 - Original/Cover; songs 3/16 - white/pale; songs 4/15 - same title (different songs); songs 5/14 - similar titles (horses coming, bring on the horses); songs 6/13 - same artist; songs 7/12 - same artist; songs 8/11 - the two songs that don't connect in any way; songs 9/10 - stud/mare. You could argue that the side break makes some sort of comment about the male/female dialectic or is some sort subtle dirty joke (the stud goes into the mare). I wouldn't.
The theme, evidently, is Horses. The title is in Polish and is the only Palindrome I could find about Horses (the translation is in brackets). If anyone can come up with a suitable English palindrome I will gladly change the title and also send a copy of the tape on to the winning submitter.
Has anyone else sequenced a tape this way? Let me know, I'd be curious to look at other examples.


Rob Conroy
Date: 8/8/2001
This is pretty fucking great. :-) And a good idea.
Date: 8/8/2001
Great idea, great execution. great songs.
Date: 8/10/2001
palindrome suggestion:
sit on a potato pan otis
Date: 2/26/2002
ahh, i love this tape. i really really really like how complicated the theme is. involved themes that take lots of explaination are the best.