
Member Since: 6/24/2001
Total Mixes: 26
Total Feedback: 44

Other Mixes By Dadafountain

CD | Theme
CD | Theme

Silliness to Brighten My Day

Artist Song
Dead Kennedys  Holiday in Cambodia 
Leonard Cohen  Diamonds in the Mine 
Neutral Milk Hotel  King of Carrot Flowers Parts 2 and 3 
Cornelius  2010 
The Pogues  The Sickbed of Cuchulainn 
The Birthday Party  Release the Bats 
Scooter  Fire 
The Velvet Underground  There She Goes Again 
Combustible Edison  Breakfast at Denny's 
Bob Dylan  Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat 
The Clash  Rudie Can't Fail 
Queensryche  Speak 
Frank Zappa  G-Spot Tornado 
David Bowie  Moonage Daydream 
Funker Vogt  Tragic Hero 
The Sex Pistols  EMI 
Captain Beefheart  Neon Meate Dream of a Octafish 
Sisters of Mercy  This Corrosion 


This is a mix of the most fun, ridiculous songs I own, meant to raise spirits when I'm unhappy, celebrate when I'm well, and in general make things jolly. In order to do that, I mixed fun angry rants, songs of dubious ACTUAL value but massive entertainment value, whimsical instrumentals, a couple of ridiculous metal songs, and some plain old fun stuff.


Jello Sane
Date: 11/17/2001
Holiday In Cambodia raises your spirits?
Date: 5/13/2002
Hell yeah! It may be biting, but it sure is funny.