
Member Since: 8/18/2001
Total Mixes: 17
Total Feedback: 2

Suicide is Painless (This is Not a Cry For Help)

Artist Song
Caberet Voltaire  Why Kill Time When You Can Kill Yourself 
Oysterhead  Pseudo Suicide 
David Bowie  Rock and Roll Suicide 
Don Dixon  Teenage Suicide (Don't Do It) 
Alice Donut  Son of a Disgruntled X-Postal Worker 
Drive By Truckers  Nine Bullets 
Marylin Manson  Suicide is Painless 
Big Black   Kerosene 
Ozzy Osbourne  Suicide Solution 
Rolling Stones  It's Only Rock and Roll 
Butt Trumpet  Kill Yourself 
Herman Jolly  Crooked Vein 
Bauhaus  In The Night 
D.I.  Richard Hung Himself 
Nirvana  Suicide (live radio 4-17-87) 
Johnny Mandel  Suicide is Painless (M*A*S*H theme instrumental) 


The idea came while I was making the disc I'm about to post next. I'm really not psycho... just have a dark sense of humor. Heathers quotes pop up a few times and there's a quote from Better Off Dead. Still, even I think it might have been in poor taste to end with Nirvana. :)


Date: 8/22/2001
Sick. Sick sick sick. If you want to push maximum density for versions of "Suicide is Painless", there's also one by Royal Trux and for some reason the only Manic Street Preachers release I own is a 7" of "Suicide is Painless". Anyone know of any other versions (I'm kinda curious now).
James Russell
Date: 8/22/2001
Or how about a song BY Suicide, like "Frankie Teardrop"?
Date: 8/23/2001
I don't know about that other versions of that song but there is a spoken word/song from Bobby Gaylor called suicide that would probably work pretty well..Good mix.
Date: 8/24/2001
ive been thinking about makinga suicide themed cd or tape...

another good one is "its only suicide" by the dread or any song by Grief