Shayn O Mac

Member Since: 4/23/2000
Total Mixes: 163
Total Feedback: 46

Other Mixes By Shayn O Mac

CD | Hip Hop/Rap
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
CD | Hip Hop/Rap

No Reason To Celebrate (But Who's Checking?)

Side A
Artist Song
Ned's Atomic Dustbin  Grey Cell Green 
Wax  Who Is Next 
Garbage  I Think I'm Paranoid 
Michael Penn  All That That Implies 
Fatboy Slim  Retox 
Prince And The Revoution  Kiss 
Busta Rhymes  Enjoy Da Ride 
The Beta Band  Dogs Got A Bone 
Vibes Alive  The Spoken Word (Remix) 
The Smiths  Girlfriend In A Coma 
Mike Watt  Against The 70's 
Weezer  Island In The Sun 
Money Mark  Got My Hand In Your Head 
Side B
Creedence Clearwater Revival  Down On The Corner 
OPM  El Capitan 
New Radicals  You Get What You Give 
Fugazi  Waiting Room 
Goldfinger  Authority 
Third Eye Blind  Darwin 
Hanson  Can't Stop 
Arid  Believer 
Ladytron  Paco! 
Submarine  Evergreen 
Modest Mouse  Heart Cooks Brain 
Butterfly Jones  Wonder 
Travis  Follow The Light 


hmmm....hmmmmm....too pop? Oh well, I wanted a bunch of mindlessly enjoyable music. A mix where I could avoid challenging my brain.


Date: 8/26/2001
wow, busta rhymes, creedence clearwater, third eye blind, hanson, and fugazi? i wonder if ian looks at this site.. hehehe, j/k.