
Member Since: 1/15/2001
Total Mixes: 20
Total Feedback: 14

more songs for the shuttle bus o' doom

Artist Song
lush  light from a dead star 
nicole blackman  belfast 
delerium and sarah m.  silence (slow mix) 
forever may not be long enough 
depeche mode  in your room (zephyr mix) 
tequila mockingbird  any shape or form 
30 odd foot of grunts  photograph kills 
butthole surfers  shame of life 
m. doughty  skittish 
beulah  if we can land a man on the moon surely i can win your heart 
boy sets fire  loser of the year award 
nada surf  popular 
alkaline trio  tuck me in 
bif naked  moment of weakness 
liveonrelease  i'm afraid of britney spears 
no doubt  staring problem 
barenaked ladies  alternative girlfriend 
darwin park  chorus for a traffic jam 
bush  letting the cable sleep 


one of my two "back to school" mixes, I have to spend way too much time riding the shuttle bus and waiting for the shuttle bus to show up (university shuttles have always been known as the shuttle bus O' doom ever since the day the one at my old school lost control and went through the fencing into the Boston Public Garden doing about 70)i looked at this now and realised some might think it was something else in refernce, but I refuse to change titles already written in sharpie on a disc just becuase some might misinterpret the context. this was also the last cd my trusty discman ever played :( I work so many a discman to death, but they get to play good music I think in exchange. I have no idea on track 4 because it was downloaded off of audio galaxy hidden as another band which it isn't but unlike the other hidden songs I've downloaded thinking they were something else I have no idea on the actual band. I wish people would be better about hiding songs.
