
Member Since: 8/9/2000
Total Mixes: 49
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Other Mixes By O'Daniel

CD | Theme
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

Score, Pete, score!

Side A
Artist Song
Teenage Fanclub  The Cabbage 
Blur  Chemical World 
Best Kissers in the World  miss teen USA 
Urge Overkill  Sister Havana 
aMiniature  featurist 
Afghan Whigs  debonair 
Uncle Tupelo  The Long Cut 
the Waltons  Colder Than You 
Lemonheads  Being Around 
Philistines Jr  the country song 
Flaming Lips  She don't use jelly 
Flight of Mavis  Waiting on a Wave 
Juliana Hatfield  Spin The Bottle 
dig  believe 
Animaniacs  The Planets 
Side B
Maria McKee  Opelousas 
Uncle Tupelo  New Madrid 
Wakko Warner  Wakkko's America 
Dillon Fence  Sad Inheritance 
seam  bunch 
tucker  south 
tucker  okay 
tucker  third wheel 
Philistines Jr.  my short lived career as a professional athlete 
Rocket From The Crypt  basturds 
Meices  Pissin' in the sink 
Frank Black  Hang On To Your Ego 
aMiniature  Towner on the b-side 


Created 3/15/94, and I have no idea what the title refers to, other than it's for my friend Pete. 2 great bands you've never heard of-Flight of Mavis and aMiniature. If you get the chance (and like the other stuff on my mixes) and can find it, get something by either band. You'll like it. Tucker was the name of my band back in "the day", not the SoCal band I've been reading about in the last 6 or so months. We were a band for a year, the songs here must have been early demos. We only did "south" in the studio when we went in August of that year. Other than that, it reads like an alterative radio playlist from that year. Side 1 does, anyway.


Date: 9/22/2001
man, i'd do just about anything to hear 'Hang On To Your Ego' right now. . .