becky sue1

Member Since: 4/25/2001
Total Mixes: 48
Total Feedback: 4

Other Mixes By becky sue1

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

In the Darkest Corner of Your Darkest Dream

Side A
Artist Song
Son of Sam  Of Power 
Fantomas  Twin Peaks : Fire Walk With Me 
Kronos Quartet  Fear 
Gene Moore  I Don't Know What's Real Anymore 
Samhain  To Walk the Night 
The Creatures  Don't Go To Sleep Without Me 
Cabaret Voltaire  Why Kill Time When You Can Kill Yourself 
  Living Dead news report 
TSOL  Code Blue 
The Dismemberment Plan  Since You Died 
Barenaked Ladies  Grim Grinning Ghosts 
The Misfits  Skull 
The Faint  Posed to Death 
Refused  The Deadly Rhythm 
Fantomas  The Godfather 
The Nightmare Before Christmas  This Is Halloween 
Danzig   Possesion 
Side B
AFI  Halloween 
Fantomas  Page 4 [11 Frames] 
  howling wolves 
Danzig  Long Way Back From Hell 
Old Time Relijun  Vampire Sushi 
Tiger Army  Nocturnal 
Gene Moore  Storm 
Glenn Danzig  Overture of the Rebel Angels 
Aphex Twin  Come To Daddy 
Son of Sam  Purevil 
The Misfits  Halloween 
Blaster the Rocket Boy  All the Way to the Blood Bank 
Son of Sam  Stray 
AFI  Initiation 
Slayer  Angel of Death 
Gene Moore  Third Visitation 
Son of Sam  Invocation 


Mmmm! Halloween mix. I really really like this. I spent a lot of time getting it just right. It's a combonation of scary sounding stuff, songs that talk about death or other scary things, and fun songs about scary stuff. The Barenaked Ladies song is a cover of the Disneyland Haunted Mansion song. (Thanks Todd!) The Gene Moore tracks are little sound clips, as are the songs without artists listed. I use "Invocation" for the last song on a lot of mixes I make, because it's just a good ending. It's just an organ playing the same thing over and over and in the middle Davey from AFI talks for a bit. The title comes from that. I'm going to go enjoy this some more now.


Date: 10/23/2001
good. but i needs more fantomas. and it needs mogwai's new song, "my father my king", that's pretty damn good. and also, the best fantomas song to fit halloween, "spider baby". other than that, its good stuff.
Date: 10/24/2001
I can't believe you used the Godfather over The Golum or, really, a BUNCH of other "scary" themes on that Fantomas album :( why the Godfather?

Anyways. I dig the mix. Except for the Bare Naked Ladies.. maybe because the song has a bit of halloween theme, but they're not exactly comparable to Refused, or Fantomas.
becky sue
Date: 10/24/2001
I only have a few Fantomas mp3s. That's why I used the Godfather. I almost bought that cd yesterday, but I ran out of money. I might pick it up tonight. Then I might remake this.
Date: 10/25/2001
You forgot "it's halloween" by the Shaggs! And "rock candy mountain" by the Halo Benders!

I still love ya. It's okay.