Dougie Fresh1

Member Since: 10/23/2001
Total Mixes: 87
Total Feedback: 12

Other Mixes By Dougie Fresh1

MP3 Playlist | Theme

The Misogyny Mix

Artist Song
Bevis & Butthead  "Looking For The Chick With The Big Boobs" 
Ice-T  The Girl Tried To Kill Me 
Motley Crue  Girls, Girls, Girls 
Great White  Once Bitten, Twice Shy 
Quentin Tarantino in "Reservoir Dogs"  "Like A Virgin" 
Frank Zappa  Titties & Beer 
Beastie Boys  Girls 
Jason Mewes in "Mallrats"  "Big Tittie Mermaids" 
Dusty Springfield  Wishin' & Hopin' 
The Dude Of Life  She's Bitchin' Again 
Andrew Dice Clay  "Big Fat Tits" 
Frank Zappa  Wet T-Shirt Night 
Harvey Keitel in "Reservoir Dogs"  "Watch Her Shut The Fuck Up" 
ZZ Top  Legs 
Sir Mix-A-Lot  Baby Got Back 
Chris Rock  "I Understand" 
Guns 'n' Roses  I Used To Love Her 
Johnny Cash  Delia's Gone 
The Smiths  Girlfriend In A Coma 
Chris Rock  "Relationships" 
Basehead  Do You Wanna Fuck Or What? 
Warrant  Cherry Pie 
Prodigy  Smack My Bitch Up 
Patrick Sky  Radcliffe Highway 


This was basically a "proof of concept" mix, inspired by a female friend who took me to task for including at least two of these songs on another mix. We discussed what the ultimate "Misogyny Mix" might look like, and I later assembled it. The focus is mostly on mainstream stuff, with a few obscure favorites tossed in for good measure. The bits of dialog are almost all available on CD as well. Note that there was some debate over the inclusion of "Girlfriend In A Coma," it was eventually decided that it belonged, as many of my friends felt strongly that the narrator had a hand in putting her in the coma, and at the very least is decidedly uninterested in seeing her recover. Needless to say, no one plays this mix very much.


Date: 10/29/2001
the resevoir dogs quotes add a lot. interesting idea for a mixtape.
Date: 10/29/2001
isn't that jason mewes in mallrats?
Dougie Fresh
Date: 10/29/2001
Good catch, I had it labeled wrong.
Date: 10/29/2001
what a bomb-ass tape. bitches get stitches.
Erin H.
Date: 10/30/2001
It's cool that you left out Eminem, the most obvious choice as of late.
Date: 10/30/2001
Might I also suggest Joe Walsh's "I Like Big Tits"? Nothing PC about that song...
Dougie Fresh
Date: 10/30/2001
nubby - I haven't heard that tune, but it sounds perfect for a Vol. 2. Erin - This mix actually pre-dates Eminem, but he wouldn't be on there anyway. I intentionally avoided artists who make misogyny a staple of their tunes, it just seemed too easy. (Ice-T being the exception, as that song was the genesis for the whole idea.)
Date: 12/1/2002
heh heh heh. nice title.