brad ellsworth

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 0

Other Mixes By brad ellsworth

CD | Alternative - Punk
CD | Alternative - Punk

rock it bone 1

Artist Song
fuckemos  thunderstruck 
reo speedealer  cold war blues 
fu manchu  cyclone launch 
white stripes  the big 3 killed my baby 
asie payton  worried life 
downliners sect  troubled times 
hamell on trial  big as life 
the who  a quick one while he's away 
fluf  something's wrong 
armchair martian  breaking down 
overwhelming colorfast  she's in antioch 
pause  pause 
zeke live at kndd  introduction 
same  chiva knevil 
same  west seattle acid party 
same   mainline 
same  flat tracker 
same  twisted 
same  mystery train 
same  slut 
same  fuck all night 
same  can't get rid of me 


A mix I made for my friend back on the east coast. My musical tastes go all over the map, but this one features a healthy dose of the angrier side of the spectrum. The Zeke set at the end is special because it's unrealeased. I got it through my friend Jason who used to manage those guys. It's also special because it's best slice of Zeke you're gonna find, anywhere. They are incredibly tight.
