
Member Since: 11/7/2001
Total Mixes: 16
Total Feedback: 4

Other Mixes By yourherokate123

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

they say it's your birthday

Side A
Artist Song
the jealous sound  quiet life 
further seems forever  new years project 
wheres travis  july 
ben lee  birthday song 
cake  short skirt, long jacket 
harry nilsson  me and my arrow 
the get up kids  valentine 
jimmy eat world  table for glasses 
elliott smith  angeles 
the impossibles  never say goodbye 
ben lee  burn to shine 
jude  i do 
dashboard confessional  age six racer 
Side B
ben folds five  song for the dumped 
jimmy eat world  sweetness 
cake  let me go 
dashboard confessional  ender will save us all 
jude  the asshole song 
jimmy eat world  hear you me 
elliott smith  say yes 
the get up kids  i'll catch you 
ben folds five  evaporated 
jets to brazil  sweet avenue 
ben folds five  lullabye 


i made this for my mom for her birthday. she loves it.


Date: 11/15/2001
i wish my mum liked my music. she doesn't mind the lucksmiths more skiffley stuff, and she's cool with the pogues and all the 50's/60's stuff i listen to (except the kinks) but nothing else. i quite like this mix :)
Date: 11/15/2001
Is that second Ben Lee track a Ben Harper cover?
Don't Dream It's Over.
Date: 11/15/2001
Wow. Me like. 'New Year's Project' is a song I can never get tired of. Nice Impossibles pick, too.
Date: 11/15/2001
some of these songs just make me cry. nice job, tho.
Date: 11/15/2001
the ben lee song is a totally different song than the ben harper one, just the same name.
great mix, hip mom!
Date: 11/15/2001
Well, my mom wouldn't have a clue as to what kind of music I listen to - & why should she? but she does have an excuse, as she lives more than 15k(?) miles away. But on the other hand, my mother-in-law doesn't mind some of the stuff we listen to (although she is a big fan of Michael Bolton, yuck.)
Date: 1/6/2002
HOT diggity damn. "Me and My Arrow" is such a great mix tape song. Didn't really know other people listen mister nilsson much anymore! And on a side note: "angeles" is the first elliott smith song I ever knew. it was on a mix called Everyone's Dead. Does This Mean I'm King, from a boyfriend. since then (several e.s. albums later), "angeles" is still the one that ends up on mixes the most often.
Date: 7/30/2002
Hey that mix sounds really good! If you'd be interested in trading let me know. =)
I have a wide variety of music so don't judge by what's posted, I just joined.