Rob Conroy

Member Since: 1/22/2001
Total Mixes: 629
Total Feedback: 9267

It's in your living room

Artist Song
Jim O'Rourke  Prelude to 110 or 220/Women of the World 
The Last  She Don't Know Why I'm Here 
The Specials  Too Much Too Young 
The Hollies  Bus Stop 
The Magnetic Fields  The Luckiest Guy on the Lower East Side 
Desmond Dekker  Israelites 
Stories  Brother Louie 
ABBA  The Name of the Game 
The Doors  Moonlight Drive 
Johnny Cash  Thirteen 
Ryan Adams  Lovesick Blues 
Roy Harper  Don't You Grieve 
Jefferson Airplane  3/5 of a Mile in Ten Seconds 
Etta James  Tell Mama 
Sex Clark Five  I Want You Mine 
Beat Happening  Indian Summer 
Stevie Wonder  Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer 
Sagittarius  My World Fell Down [LP version] 
T. Rex  Ballrooms of Mars 
Dinosaur Jr  Freak Scene 
The Donner Party  Clean Living 
The Black Crowes  Sometimes Salvation 
AC/DC  Whole Lotta Rosie 


For the spifforiffic Rosie. Believe it or not, I'd planned on using that AC/DC song on a mix for months now and hadn't gotten around to it... and I just couldn't resist this time. ;-) Thanks to lo-fi for the extra poppin' Sex Clark Five track. And yes, spoon, I've reversed myself on that ABBA track (and on "S.O.S.", but I'll go no futher :-P ). Title from the Specials tune.


Date: 11/19/2001
Great mix, Rob. I love the inclusion of "too much, too young" - I think it fits! (although let's wait to hear Rosie's comments first!)
Date: 11/19/2001
too much too young!! blargh, i thing there is a lot of rumour mungering going on around this AOTM place (whatta dive!...well, actually it's kinda more grease esque and you feel like walking in and saying "hey viola i'll have a dogsled delight with two spoons and an eskimo pie with a knife) too much too young...blargh. i'm just a little innocent living in a little country town. i mean i'm considered pretty straight by a lot of people who don't know me...surely that counts for something! i loooooooove that AC/DC song, for "me" related mixes it's either that or "days of wine and roses" which i tend to go for. oooh, rob made me a mix and it's very very very nice. "clean living" that's me...being officially on holidays now i celebrated by vacuuming my bedroom...oh dear, i think she's gone mad!!!
Date: 11/19/2001
Rosie, you go girl!
Date: 11/19/2001
Props for including the Sex Clark Five, Desmond Dekker and my favorite Dinosaur Jr. song. Maybe next time you can include "Rosie" by Jackson Browne, which is about masturbation. Then again, maybe not.
Rob Conroy
Date: 11/19/2001
lol If I owned that Jackson Browne song (one of the only tunes of his that I actually *like*), I'm sure I'd have thought about it for three seconds before going, "Nah, overkill." ;-) But I appreciate the comments ("Freak Scene" is not just my fave Dino tune, but one of my favorite singles of all-time) and I'm glad you like the mix, Rosie.
Date: 11/19/2001
very nice. nothing more to say really...
lo-fi jr.
Date: 11/19/2001
Very cool Rob. I was going to direct your attention to the SCF single. Some Beatles-esque pop heaven that I know you like. Looks like you found it for yourself just fine.
Date: 11/19/2001
great mix. you got the magic touch!
Date: 11/20/2001
Hmm, Mr. Woods. I see no Brian Adams here? I see Ryan Adams, and he would never be confused with the pok faced Canadian (who I am sure most would agree is lame)Overall, a cool mix.
Van Allen
Date: 11/21/2001
Van Allen
Date: 11/21/2001
Sorry about that. I'm new to this site and I must say this mix rules! I'll be checking out your other mixes, Rob.
jaime b
Date: 12/11/2001
YAY for sagittarius. aren't they phenomenal?!
Rob Conroy
Date: 12/11/2001
They're quite cool, that's for sure... I'm not as big on the Millennium, though...
Date: 12/21/2001
Don't you grieve - bonus!
Rob Conroy
Date: 12/21/2001
Thanks, hedda... I've been *so* into Roy these days. :-D I've actually been buying up most of his 60's and 70's catalog at import prices...
p the swede
Date: 3/2/2002
stories - Brother louie, yes big thumbs up, haven't heard sex clark five
gotta check them out
Adam Bristor
Date: 1/13/2003
I can't put my finger on it but there's just something about that "Bus Stop"-"Luckiest Guy..." transition that I just love
Date: 11/26/2006
' cause i've got wheels and you wanna go for a ride... i love that song. i know you made it a long time ago... i'm just sayin'...