
Member Since: 11/25/2001
Total Mixes: 35
Total Feedback: 27

1982: The Crowded Future Stings My Eyes

Artist Song
Afrika Bambaataa & Soulsonic Force  Planet Rock 
Trouble Funk  Trouble Funk Express 
Gap Band  You Dropped the Bomb on Me 
Michael Jackson  Billie Jean 
The Jam  Precious (12" version) 
Joe Jackson  Steppin' Out 
Modern English  I Melt With You 
Frank Zappa  Valley Girl 
Violent Femmes  Gone Daddy Gone 
Redd Kross  Linda Blair 
Bad Brains 
Descendents  I'm Not A Punk 
MDC  John Wayne Was a Nazi 
Angry Samoans  My Old Man's A Fatso 
Anti-Nowhere League  So What 
Wipers  Return of the Rat 
Flipper  Sex Bomb 
Lou Reed  The Blue Mask 
Dead Kennedys  Moon Over Marin 


The musical landscape of 1982 was... er... uh... well, shit, LOOK AT IT. On one hand, you've got a big fistful of notable, memorable hardcore punk tracks, some angry, some powerful, some hilarious, some all of the above. On the other hand, you've got... well, Michael Jackson. I'm as confused as you are, folks. But hell, good music is good music, right?

UPDATE, 12-18-02: SEX BOMB! And "Billie Jean" seems to fit better than "Beat It", even though I lurve them Eddie Van guitar theatrics.


Date: 11/26/2001
yet another solid mix in the series.
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 11/27/2001
are you going to sell this as a box set?

Date: 11/27/2001
Yeah, get rid of mr jackson, and the mix is great.
Date: 11/27/2001
Sorry, Sue - "Beat It" stays for nostalgia value and historical prominence, plus it sates my shameful, horrible, not-all-that-common-I-swear jones for Eddie Van Halen guitar wankery. As for a box set: good idea, but given the copyright restrictions, I might get into a little uh-oh as far as the RIAA is concerned.
James Russell
Date: 11/27/2001
Damnable pity about the non-box set :) The whole series has been mighty fine thus far. Me, I like the diversity of having Michael Jackson and the Kennedys on the same disc...
Kid Hyper
Date: 11/29/2001
Hey, what about the idea that Beat It is a dope song from a stellar album produced by Quincy Jones and sung by a vocalist at the height of his (now long gone) powers? Nostalgia is fine, but don't let shame ruin your judgment. Beat It is fresh! And Thriller is a sick, sick album. Don't get me started...
Date: 12/2/2001
i'm with Kid Hyper on this one. unfortunately, Jacko ruined any chance for people to view his work with high regard, what with the self-anointing (as Savior of Children; Promoter of Good Causes; and Insistently Masculine Deity of Pop Music)and well-publicized "quirks". Seriously, the man could (can?) sing, and he actually wrote a bunch of his stuff starting with the "Thriller" album. he's an amazing talent gone to waste.
Date: 12/18/2002
Another fine collection. There's no way to do an 80's anthology and not put Michael Jackson on it. At least Beat It is toe-tapper. Another set of excellent choices, with bonus points for the Anti-Nowhere League, MDC, and the delightful inclusion of Moon Over Marin, one of the DKs most overlooked songs. I might argue about that Misfits song, but it's hard to find a bad song by that band. We all have our favorites, and Astro Zombies is certainly worthy.
theory conspiracist
Date: 12/28/2002
Seriously, the addition of Sex Bomb makes it. Nice call.