
Member Since: 12/1/2001
Total Mixes: 49
Total Feedback: 297

Other Mixes By DanWise

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock

Waiting on You (Weezer B Sides, Live, Etc.)

Artist Song
Weezer  Waiting on You 
Weezer  Jaime (acoustic) 
Weezer  No One Else (acoustic) 
Weezer  Say it Ain't So (live) 
Weezer  Devotion 
Weezer(?)  Congratulations 
Weezer  Velouria (Pixies Cover) 
Weezer  Mykel and Carli 
Weezer  Holiday (live) 
Weezer  Christmas Song 
Weezer  The Good Life (acoustic) 
Weezer  Why Bother? (acoustic) 
Weezer  El Scorcho (acoustic) 
Weezer  Pink Triangle (acoustic) 
Weezer (with Soul Coughing)  American Girls 
Weezer  Suzanne 
Weezer  You Gave Your Love to Me Softly 
Weezer  Undone (live) 


i made this for a radio special that i had on weezer last year. it doesn't include any green album outtakes (no great loss), but i think it covers the time up till then pretty well.


Date: 12/4/2001
haha no way, I made a =w= rarity cd (Vol II for me) just the other day....rock! This is exactly like the one I made last year, almost all of the songs are identical. Nice work! (I will post my new one now!)
Date: 12/5/2001
nicely done, although if this is the order you played them in, i might have saved "waiting on you" for the end (or close to it)...what a ridiculously good song! :)
Date: 12/5/2001
i still like the order. to be completely anal about it, i was thinking:
1) start off with waiting on you and jaime so that people go "oh shit, why can't all b sides be this good?"
2) proceed to live versions of popular songs till people go, i want to hear something recorded properly.
3)sift through some studio tracks
-repeat 2) and 3)
-repeat 1) with suzanne and you gave your love. .
4) bring it one home with undone live. the first single. encore style. lighters in the air.

Date: 12/5/2001
Nice Mix Daniel!
Date: 12/5/2001
Can i please have a copy of this? i just told the other girl with a weezer mix that i was looking for soemthign like this. What do ya say?