
Member Since: 1/31/2002
Total Mixes: 1
Total Feedback: 7

Other Mixes By dayna12

emoting is fun

Side A
Artist Song
braid  a dozen roses 
modest mouse  birds vs worms 
built to spill  still flat 
pavement  cut your hair 
piebald  rock revolution 
rem  imitation of life 
the promise ring  jersey shore 
jets to brazil  one summer last fall 
the ataris  how i spent my summer vacation (original version) 
Side B
the anniversary  perfect 
metroschifter  L 182/persona 
the get up kids  a newfound interest in massachusetts 
the new amsterdams  proceed with caution 
the dismemberment plan  spider in the snow 
reggie and the full effect  megan 2k 
weezer f. rachel haden  i just threw out the love of my dreams 
american football  never meant 
the weakerthans  illustrated bible stories for children 


my friend and i had a fight last year. we hadn't really talked since then, and then last tuesday i got a mix cd in the mail from him, so this is my tape for him. and now we are friends again.

also, side two fits perfectly. no extra. i love when that happens.


Date: 12/5/2001
there's nothing like a "megan" song by reggie to reunite you with friends...:)
Don't Dream It's Over.
Date: 12/5/2001
Nice opening track.
Date: 12/24/2001
you're not interested in trading, are you?
Date: 1/4/2002
braid is good to start off with, especially that song. i love that one. all the bands on here are great... know them all.. goodness i love this tape. thats good with your buddy making-up thing. yay for you. he's emo rite? can i have him? :0)