g.a.b. l@bs

Member Since: 8/7/2000
Total Mixes: 197
Total Feedback: 2458

Other Mixes By g.a.b. l@bs

CD | Electronic - Ambient
CD | World
CD | Electronic - Ambient
CD | Electronic - Ambient
CD | Electronic - Ambient

d e f r a g m e n t a t i o n

Artist Song
malcolm bly  barnaCle 
jeff greinke  oVer rUins 
terminal sound system  siLt 
interstitial  pOintillism 
jeff greinke  turning darK 
shadowbug 4  rooM with view 
the legendary pink dots  noveaX modes eXotiques 
monolake  cYan 
eM  galaxIEs like grAins of sand 
jeff greinke  teRRain of memory 
frolic  velvet winG 
elders of zion  eKhad 
interstitial  refrACtion 
jhno  ska paStora 
the silverman  silvermaNdala 7 
attrition  the biG lie 


truculent, truncated transience; coarse illbience; myopic dreadnought run amok. >:0
image for mix


Junior D1
Date: 12/26/2001
Ill indeeeeeed. g.a.b., y'all. hell yes.
Date: 12/26/2001
did i say "brilliant" out loud, or was i just thinking it?