
Member Since: 4/16/2001
Total Mixes: 32
Total Feedback: 8

this clumsy form that i despise

Side A
Artist Song
bright eyes  the calender hung itself 
bright eyes  perfect sonnet 
bright eyes  falling out of love at this volume 
bright eyes  a line allows progress, a circle does not 
bright eyes  if winter ends 
bright eyes  arienette 
bright eyes  a poetic retelling of an unfortunate seduction 
bright eyes  the centre of the world 
bright eyes  laura laurent 
bright eyes  haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh 
bright eyes  something vague 
bright eyes  the city has sex 
Side B
bright eyes  when the curious girl realises she is under glass 
bright eyes  it's cool, we can still be friends 
bright eyes  patient hope in new snow 
bright eyes  the movement of a hand 
bright eyes  touch 
bright eyes  an attempt to tip the scales 
bright eyes  kathy with a k's song 
bright eyes  pull my hair 
bright eyes  emily, sing something sweet 
bright eyes  exaltation on a cool kitchen floor 
bright eyes  feb 15th 
bright eyes  i've been eating for you 


For Rachel who enjoyed Bright Eyes on her mixes so much I decided to make her a comp tape of my favourite tracks, including a couple I've already given her seeing as she loved them so much. What could it hurt?


Date: 1/11/2002
oh wow.. i wish i had this.. perfect for lying awake at night. :)