Sean Lally

Member Since: 2/1/2002
Total Mixes: 135
Total Feedback: 3209

Other Mixes By Sean Lally

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Toxic Pop Syndrome, Volume 1

Artist Song
Fountains of wayne  Baby One More Time 
Sloan  C'mon C'mon 
Fastbacks  Sign of the Times 
Sex Clark Five  I Want You Mine 
Sam Phillips  Baby I Can't Please You 
Badfinger  No Matter What 
White Stripes  we're going to be friends 
teenage fanclub  Ain't That Enough 
Hoodoo Gurus  I want you back 
Heavenly  Tool 
Lemonheads  If I could talk I'd tell you 
Tiger Trip  Words and Smiles 
Big Star  Way out west 
Velocity Girl  There only one thing left to say  
Elliot Smith  Baby Britain  
apples in stereo  Shine a Light 
flamin groovies  You Tore Me Down 
robyn hitchcock  So you think you're in love 
Kinks  This is where I belong 
Cynics  Girl you're on my mind  
donner party  Halo 
velvet underground  who loves the sun 
guided by voices  As we go up we go down 
superdrag  baby's waiting 


Howdy. This is my first mix. The theme is, quite clearly, pop crap. I wanted to mix some of my fave recent pop songs with some tried and true classics. Nothing too crazy or obscure - just some great pop tunes. Well, at least I think so. Dedicated to Rob Conroy, the once and future king of cd buying.


Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/27/2002
Nice mix...shame about the dedication.
Date: 1/27/2002
awww, geoffy wanted that title...too bad!
Rob Conroy
Date: 1/27/2002
Uber-nice, Lallophogus. Welcome to AotM--good to see you've met the once and future king of mediocrity and idiotic, slanderous mumblings, one Geoffrey Holland. ;-) Don't worry, no one else here is as much of an asshole as he is. And let me know what your dinner schedule is this week...
Date: 1/27/2002
Good stuff, Sean. And I second the welcome to the site.
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/27/2002
Who's being slanderous Rob? Did I just call you an asshole? No, I think not.
Rob Conroy
Date: 1/27/2002
:-) Nah, I beat you to the punch. And it was fun, too. *blows kiss*
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/27/2002
You know Rob, I'm really going to have to ask you to refrain from hitting on me. It was enough that you sent me those pictures of yourself and Brandt in a 'manly' embrace but this is going too far. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course...just not my cuppa tea.
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/27/2002
...and so who's the one with the idiotic mumblings then Rob?
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/27/2002
the funniest thing about having a battle of wits with little robbie is that he comes completely unarmed and useless...not unlike his mixes! ;o)
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/27/2002
Let's see Rob....point 1. You'd know all about badgering and harassing someone until they block your email address...see the Sara Candale mix for that one...and I have no idea who the hell you're talking about in my usual Rob, you shoot blanks....I 'randomly post under various guises? More BULLSHIT Rob, but what else would one expect from an ambulance chaser like yourself? I've said it before and I'll say it again Rob...if I have something to say I'll say it, I don't need to hide. Nickelback? I have no time for Nickelback Rob...and according to you it's not ok to post derogatory remarks about someones musical taste? Sounds a bit like the pot and the kettle there. And 'harassing' emails? Really...that's a funny one...Make sure next time you decide to send off an email purportedly from me that you include your own replies in it, Rob. And if anyone out there has these messages that have 'made the rounds' I'd love to read them.
Oh, and by the way Rob...following is not spelt follwoing, you might want to go back to the 'schoolyard' yourself.
It's interesting as well Rob for someone who claims to be a lawyer that you are completely untraceable as a lawyer anywhere in the United States. Where did you get your 'diploma' Rob? Out of a cracker jack box? And as for diverting discussions Rob, you've never answered one of my old questions. Why is it that you always delete anything remotely derogatory on your mixes? You certainly have no trouble attacking people Rob...and it seems to me that someone who is so good at attacking should be able to take the heat. Or is it just a way of trying to fool people into thinking that everyone loves your mixes?
You, Rob, are the finest example of an asshole that I've ever come across, anywhere. I consider this my last word on the subject ever, and if you feel the need to reply to me please do it by email so as to keep this 'private'. Or is private something you don't have a clue about?
Date: 1/27/2002
I think you kids need to take it outside. In the meantime, I'd like to welcome Sean and his excellent mix to the board. There's not a bad band on here.
Rob Conroy
Date: 1/27/2002
The fact that you've tried to "trace" me as a lawyer is truly pathetic and shows that you have entirely too much time on your hands. Let's see: I graduated from the Widener University School of Law in Harrisburg, PA, in May, 1996. I passed the bar after I took it that July (Nov. 15, 1996 was the day that I found out). I started working as an Assistant D.A. in Armstrong County, PA, on Feb. 2, 1997. I worked there until I started at the firm that I work for now in the Pittsburgh suburbs, whose name I will *not* give to you under any circumstances; I've been doing asbestos/insurance defense with them for nearly four years now.
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/27/2002
You stand behind everything? Then email me the name of this so-called girl that I've harassed. Because I NO FUCKING IDEA WHO THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! And seeing as I must have been a principle in this so-called harrassment one would think I might have some idea who you're talking about.
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/27/2002
and another thing Rob, I never accused you of sending emails to Sara...if you could understand English you would see that for yourself.
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/27/2002
Rob, you delete anything on your mixes that doesn't bow down to you and attempt to kiss your feet. Any kind of critical remark gets dumped. And Rob, one thing you obviously don't understand is the meaning of the word 'humor'. You prat. ;o)
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/27/2002
Rob, you are full of shite. Enough said. I can belabour the point all I want but you're never going to look within yourself and see it. Even better, look at yourself from someone else's perspective and you might. Me? I know I'm a fool at times...I'm the first to admit it.
Rob Conroy
Date: 1/27/2002
Geoff, I've been a fool so many times in my life that I wouldn't blame someone who actually knew me for calling me that all of the time. :-) But to say that I don't know anything about music is absurd. And to say that I'm pretentious because I have opinions about stuff is absurd. That's been my point all along.
Date: 1/28/2002
Ha, you guys are old mates and you're just winding everyone up, right? Perfectly decent mix, Sean. If I were you I'd be laughing my head off that people chose to argue over it so much. Cheers!
Rob Conroy
Date: 1/28/2002
Hey bear, good to see you. :-) Actually Mr. Holland and I aren't old mates (far from it, in fact), but Sean and I are and I think Sean's mix (and his mixes, musical taste in general) kick ass. As a result, none of this fine thread below has been intended to cast any shadow over Mr. Lally's fine mix...
Date: 1/28/2002
nice mix sean (welcome!--hopefully this time no one will get a respitory infection...) i don't know if you are ready to kill rob yet from this flame war, but i love the fact that one of the early posts takes a shot at me unbidden. i don't even remember saying anything about any of holland's mixes, but if he's go time to worry about my personal life and sexual orientation, then i guess that says something about his own life. oh well. let me know if you want to trade or something. cheers!
Sean Lally
Date: 1/28/2002
Always up for trading....
Date: 1/30/2002
great mix, awesome title, hilarious installment of the flame war saga. not many firt mixes are this packed with excitement! nice one.
Date: 2/15/2002
i love this. it makes me want to dance, or take a bubble bath. either way, it's great!
Date: 4/12/2002
This really IS great! Terrific songs!
Date: 6/3/2002
Hehe, yeah you were right, it's the knack. What was I thinking? Thanks a lot = )
Date: 6/24/2002
whoa. i don't know what's better, the mix or the feedback. ok, it's the mix. aww, you put who loves the sun on it, that's cute...and ooh, i want you back by the hoodoo gurus, i completely forgot that existed...i'm gonna have to hunt that down and give it a listen! i miss it now...
Man...some people spend way too much time on the internet. BTW: maybe Rob and Geoffrey are the same person. ;-)
Knee High Danielle
Date: 2/8/2003
Pretty rad!
Hearts -- apples, tiger trap.
I went through a serious teenage fanclub stage. I put fear of flying on every freaking tape.
Good times.

Hearts and cheers