
Member Since: 2/16/2002
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 1

Other Mixes By brotherjohn

CD | Single Artist
CD | Theme - Road Trip

celebration mix

Artist Song
depeche mode  route 66 
depeche mode  dream on  
depeche mode  behind the wheel 
depeche mode  black celebration (black tulip mix) 
depeche mode  personal jesus (kazan cathedral mix) 
depeche mode  happiest girl (jack mix) 
depeche mode  walking in my shoes 
depeche mode  it's no good 
depeche mode  fly on the windscreen (death mix) 
depeche mode  world in my eyes (mayhem mode) 
depeche mode  enjoy the silence 
depeche mode  home (grantby mix) 
depeche mode  I feel loved 
depeche mode  stripped 
depeche mode  never let me down again 


These are pretty much my favourite DM tracks, being a fan for 20 years. Alternative versions add some spice and surprise to this mix, but I was careful not to choose really extended remixes. Those included, average around about 5 minutes. The rest are the regular album or single versions.
image for mix
