
Member Since: 2/17/2002
Total Mixes: 46
Total Feedback: 67

Other Mixes By seven_arts

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Jazz - Avant-Garde Jazz

up to the trees with a firestorm, part 1

Side A
Artist Song
Portastatic  When You Crashed 
Stephen Merritt  Maria, Maria, Maria 
Her Space Holiday  Key Stroke 
Nick Cave  Oh My Lord 
Autechre  Gelk 
Superchunk  Florida's on Fire 
Pinback  June 
Side B
Faust  Untitled 
Faust  Dr. Schwitters 
Clinic  Porno 
Pixies  Where is my Mind? 
Love As Laughter  Sam Jayne = Dead 
Faust  Flashback Caruso 
Ryan Adams  Cannonball Days 
Clinic  IPC Subeditors Dictate Our Youth 
Violent Femmes  Add It Up 
Lambchop  Nine 
Spoon  Lines in the Suit 
Pixies  Gigantic 
Bob Dylan  Love Sick 


this series is 2 separate mixes i did for 2 friends of mine, with a few songs in common between them. both tapes include one softer side and one harder side.
