
Member Since: 1/8/2002
Total Mixes: 71
Total Feedback: 65

Other Mixes By J.M.

CD | Theme - Depression
CD | Theme - Depression
CD | Theme - Depression
CD | Theme - Depression

This tape might help you in the long run, but listening to it's probably just a waste of time

Side A
Artist Song
Mohommed Rafi  Jaan Pehechaan Ho 
Komeda  Fuego de la Vida 
Le Mans  Un Rayo de Sol 
Stereolab  Escape Pod 
France Gall  Laisse Tomber les Filles 
April March  Mignonette 
Stereo Total  Plotzlich ist Alles Anders 
Pizzicato 5  Twiggy Twiggy 
Autour le Lucie  Immobile 
Cocteau Twins  Amelia 
Bjork  Verandi 
Sigur Ros  ???? (live Boston 9/21/01) 
Side B
Clint Mansell w/Kronos Quartet  Summer Overture (from Requiem for a Dream) 
Bjork w/Thom Yorke  I've Seen It All 
Cat Power  Troubled Waters 
Skip James  Devil Got My Woman 
3Ds  Spooky 
Clint Mansell w/Kronos Quartet  Fall Overture 
Elliott Smith  Needle in the Hay 
Cat Power  Rockets 
The Kinks  Waterloo Sunset 
Sigur Ros  Pop (live Boston 9/21/01) 


No real theme or guiding principle at work here. The only rule for Side 1 was no Englsih vocals allowed. It was supposed to be somewhat of an upbeat party type mix, but then got all moody and sad towards the end. This mood spilled over into and dictated Side 2, which chock full of moody and sad little goodies. Sent this one to Feely.
The title has absolutely nothing to do with the mix whatsoever, just another in a long line of a friend's bizzare pronouncements about music


Brian C.
Date: 3/7/2002
I love the no English vocals idea!
ugh twiggy twiggy annoys the hell out of me...nice mix nevertheless
Date: 3/7/2002
Very lovely indeed.
Date: 3/8/2002
Spectacular! Especially side one, with the Le Mans, Stereolab, Komeda and Cocteaus.