
Member Since: 3/6/2002
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 26

For Corrina, #2 : and she's my friend of friends

Artist Song
death cab for cutie  company calls 
rose polenzani  same height 
saves the day  at your funeral 
the good life  your birthday present 
the murmurs  beautiful peace 
okkervil river  the velocity of saul at the time of his conversion 
edie carey  lean into me 
modest mouse  talking shit about a pretty sunset 
azure ray  displaced 
dolour  the essence of flourescent 
rainer maria  planetary 
bright eyes  haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh 
20 minute loop  everybody out 
now it's overhead  a skeleton on display 
the magnetic fields  100,000 fireflies 
mates of state  everyone needs an editor 
neko case and her boyfriends  south tacoma way 


This is for CorrinathePsychicTwin because she hasn't heard of any (at least, most of) these bands and I think that is a travesty. The title is a line from the Azure Ray song. This whole mix is a companion to a copy of Aveo's Bridge to the Northern Lights; I will be sending both CDs to Vermont very shortly.


Date: 3/11/2002
love it
Date: 3/11/2002
oops, i wasn't done...

i must have a copy of this! how did you get "same height"?

love displaced.
Date: 3/15/2002
i got it on audiogalaxy. but this is a special, special mix made for just one person. i might be able to work something else out though?