Professor Poserlad

Member Since: 11/8/2001
Total Mixes: 85
Total Feedback: 204

The Battle of Bosworth Field

Artist Song
Howard Zinn  The Ludlow Massacre 
Strike Anywhere  Detonation 
At the Drive In  Pattern Against User 
The Faint  Agenda Suicide 
Modest Mouse  Dirty Fingernails 
Bad Brains  House of Suffering 
Refused  New Noise 
Noam Chomsky  Public Mind 
The (International) Noise Conspiracy  Capitalism Stole My Virginity 
The Faint  The Conductor 
Stiff Little Fingers  Alternative Ulster 
Agression  Dear John Letter 
The Icarus Line  Feed a cat to your cobra 
98 Mute  After the Fall 
The Locust  Gluing Carpet to Your Genitals does not make you a cantalope 
Noam Chomsky  Hard Choice 
The Stranglers  No More Heroes 
Anti Heroes  Disco Riot 
UK Subs  Combat Zone 
Conflict  Decleration of Independence 
Sham 69  Feel It 
7 Seconds  We're Gonna Fight It 
Dead Kennedys  I Fought the Law (and I won) 
The Ex  Karaoke Blackout 


the minor (and i stress minor) theme has something to do with the "not wholesomeness" of the United States. A couple minutes of talking begins each segment, courtesy of the innebriated sounding Howard Zinn and Noam "I wish people still took me seriously" Chomsky. Sure he had some interesting linguistic theories, but all the punks like to hear is his political rants (which often have merit, though I can't say supporting the Khmer Rouge regime for a short time helped his case at all). I have to go film a crappy movie now for my pacesetter English class, but at least I get to play a hard boiled film-noir detective. I do not know why I'm mentioning this, it has nothing to do with anything.


Date: 5/5/2002
i never thought i'd see howard zinn on a mix, but, hell, why not?
Date: 5/6/2002
oh how i love howard zinn, and the faint, and modest mouse, and film noir...
Rob Conroy
Date: 5/6/2002
This is pretty cool, professor. I really love that Stiff Little Fingers track, in particular.
Date: 5/8/2002
hard-boiled detective? maybe you could do a film-noir version of "manufacturing consent" or something. another nice one, posing one.
Date: 5/13/2002
oh no, this jackass for mix of the week again? he so doens't deserve it. burn poserlad. burn.
Date: 5/13/2002
love the mix. want to trade?
Date: 5/14/2002
capitalism stole my virginity may well be one of the best songs ever. nice job.
Date: 5/14/2002
doh! If I'd have updated the mix of the week archive (I'm such a slacker), I'd have realized he got it last week. But I didn't! So I'm exposed. Not only for dimness, but for the liberal sucka that I am.
Big Dan T
Date: 7/30/2002
This is good. mr. kind of political over here. dang!