
Member Since: 5/9/2002
Total Mixes: 18
Total Feedback: 3

Other Mixes By Bernard

CD | Single Artist
CD | Single Artist
CD | Single Artist

Better Than Nothing

Artist Song
Counting Crows  Rain King 
Counting Crows  40 Years 
Counting Crows  Angels of the Silences 
Counting Crows  Mr. Jones (VH1 Storytellers) 
Counting Crows  Hanginaround (live, "No Scrubs" outro) 
Counting Crows  Mercury 
Counting Crows  Margery Dreams of Horses 
Counting Crows  Mrs. Potter's Lullaby 
Counting Crows  Round Here (VH1 Storytellers) 
Counting Crows  Catapult 
Counting Crows  Kid Things 
Counting Crows  A Murder of One 
Counting Crows  A Long December (MTV 10 Spot) 


This is just a mix to introduce the band to a friend of mine. Nothing really special here.
