
Member Since: 1/6/2001
Total Mixes: 113
Total Feedback: 803

tumbling from the tech to the twenty first century

Side A
Artist Song
the beatles  paperback writer 
the lucksmiths  scottsdale 
ben folds five  your redneck past 
beck  sexx laws 
the kinks  dead end street 
the whitlams  charlie number one 
billy bragg  walk away renee 
you am i  gasoline for two 
augie march  the hole in your roof 
dvorak  slavonic dance number one 
Side B
the lucksmiths  smokers in love 
frank sinatra  saturday night is the lonliest nite of the week 
skin  mah na mah na 
the animals  house of the rising sun 
wilco  red eyed and blue 
augie march  tulip 
steve harley  make me smile 
musical youth  pass the dutchie 
the beatles  octopus' garden 
the avalanches  live at dominoes 
the lucksmiths  fear of rollercoasters 
the kinks  david watts 


a tape for a friend's 18th. i couldn't make the party so i figured i better send a tape. full of all the bands i like and he's never heard of (he leads a very sheltered existance musically. i'd say on this he would've only heard of sinatra, ben folds and the beatles. title an "in" joke.


Date: 5/18/2002
Nice stuff, Rosie. When is your 18th, by the way?
Date: 5/18/2002
rosie's 18th is the 29th of december- mark that one in on your calendars kids!
Date: 5/18/2002
hmm, seeing them so close together makes me realize how structurally similar 'paperback writer' and 'your redneck past' are; everything right is wrong again. love the mix, execpt for the musical youth...
Date: 5/19/2002
What's wrong with "pass the dutchie"? I just got back from a record fair, and they were selling that single for 50cents! (but, alas, I didn't buy it).
Rob Conroy
Date: 5/19/2002
Another lovely mix.
Rob Conroy
Date: 5/20/2002
And "Pass the Dutchie" is a pretty cool single. I agree with Sue on that one.
Date: 8/23/2002
I just heard that whitlams song for the first time last night. And love it! Are all their songs that good? because if so, I have to buy a cd...