
Member Since: 1/4/1999
Total Mixes: 11
Total Feedback: 0

Other Mixes By Impervius

CD | Dance - Hardcore
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Dance - Hardcore
CD | Theme
CD | Alternative - Skate/Thrash

Mind Fuck 3

Artist Song
Caustic Window  Italic Eyeball 
Keoki  Majick (uberzone mix) 
Jega  Norton Midgate 
Meatbeat Manifesto  Prime Audio Soup 
Sopistokat  Vollenweider 
Worms  Timeloop 
Autechre  Lost 
Boards of Canada  Pete Standing Alone 
Rabbit In The Moon  Waiting For The Night 
Orbital  Nothing Left parts 1 & 2 (spliced) 


#3 in a 3 volume set thus far. this particular mix however goes for a drowsy, marijuana-cloaked, beer goggles wearin' feel which basically means that it's good music to trip out on while you're sucking on that funny colored piece of paper in your mouth :]
