Sean Lally

Member Since: 2/1/2002
Total Mixes: 135
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Don't Hog the Prog, vol. 1

Artist Song
Yes  Starship Trooper 
ELO  Can't Get it out of my head 
Pink Floyd  One of these days 
Rick Wakeman  Cans and Brahms 
Genesis  White Mountain 
Pretty Things  The Good Mr. Square 
Pretty Things  She was tall, she was high 
Spinal Tap  Stonehenge 
Emerson, Lake, and Palmer  From the beginning 
Jethro Tull   My God 
King Crimson  I talk to the wind 
Klaatu  Calling occupants of interplanetary craft 
Rush  A farewell to kings 
Traffic  Dear Mr. Fantasy 


Yes, you rock snobs, it's the dreaded prog comp. This comp stresses many of the A-list heavy hitters of prog, maybe leaning a bit to the poppy side (I'm betraying my love of pop, as usual). ELO inclusion is dubious, but what a great tune, eh? No room for Gentle Giant (none on cd, anyway), though I suppose the Rush track would be the first to go in most people's minds. The Spinal Tap tunes sounds like a Rush out-take, actually. This is the stuff I loved in Junior High School, pre punk rock, so kill me. It was the natural bridge between Kiss and the Kinks. Well, maybe not so natural. No Moody Blues or Marillion - I have my limits, after all. Dedicated, with love, to P the Swede, hater of hippies.


Date: 6/11/2002
This is quite superb, Sean. There could be an argument that The Pretties were not prog, but since they came out with the first "Concept" album, which is one of the central features of prog, then ok, they're in. Who cares anyway? The pretties trax here are brilliant. I also especially like the Traffic cut. Well done. Those of us who like punk and prog are the real winners in this argument!
Date: 6/11/2002
Very nice Sean! You've inspired me to grow out my hair, dig out my worn copy of Fragile and scrounge through my dresser in search of that faded Rush baseball jersey shirt from the Exit Stage Left tour.
Date: 6/11/2002
Not bad Sean
Date: 6/11/2002
i like this very much, especially because (to me) it seems to build onto a climax. i mean, tull, crimson, klaatu (wonderful song), rush & traffic all in a row!! (AAAARRGH!!!) very good job!!
Scott K
Date: 6/11/2002
Nice prog sampler, but why is everyone so down on Rush? Just because Geddy sounds like Dylan sucking helium ;-) And Kiss was prog for one record (music from The Elder), which Gene Simmons thought was pretty good for a bad Genesis album! Ya just gotta luv it!
Sean Lally
Date: 6/11/2002
Incidentally, many thanks to Rob for illuminating discussions and help with some tracks.
Sean Lally
Date: 6/12/2002
I've tried hard to listen to several Rush records lately. To me, they just don't hold up. Scary vocals, goofy-ass lyrics (even for prog), and a bit too self-important. Yes and Genesis, oddly enough, seemed to have more of a sense of humor. OK, maybe it's just Geddy's vocals. I mean, they're pretty oppressive... As for the Pretty Things, they're not traditionally prog, I guess - but the tunes seemed to fit the theme (and I genuinely love those songs too).
Sean Lally
Date: 6/12/2002
Here's another thoughts for the prog-heads. What are your thoughts on Gentle Giant, Focus, U.K., or other proggies? I wanted to included GG's "On Reflection" on this disc. Anyone have the Freehand disc? I think that record holds up pretty well.
p the swede
Date: 6/12/2002
Oh no Rush, HELLO their Canadian, they got a drummer called Neil Peart who got one of the biggest kit in the world and they made "songs" like "Cygnus X-1 Book II Hemispheres Prelude...", whats up next Best of Rick Wakeman live at icerinks or Barclay james harvest
Sean Lally
Date: 6/12/2002
Ooooooh, a Rick Wakeman mix! Thanks for the suggestion, Peter. Look for it posted under "Kill All Punks". Heh.
Scott K
Date: 6/12/2002
I'm hardly a proggie, but I DO have Focus' Moving Waves (Hocus Pocus cracks me up...I'm so juvenile!) I actually like Peart's lyrics, Sean, and when you look at Phil Collins' post-Genesis career, you can see why they HAD to have a sense of humor! As for the size of Peart's kit--who cares?! He's a drummer, not a porn star! Does that make Slim Jim Phantom the best drummer ever? I don't THINK so!
Sean Lally
Date: 6/12/2002
Actually, I like Slim Jim's playing a lot more than Peart's, but that's another argument altogether. You're certainly right about Phil Collins, though. Yeesh.
p the swede
Date: 6/12/2002
this is like punk never happened ;-)
Scott K
Date: 6/12/2002
Au contrere, monsieur swede, punk is the perfect foil for the bombastics of prog and classic rock. Without both, dramas such as our current discourse would be impossible. I like Slim's drumming too, but the best drummer ever, by far, is Ross C. Kantor, currently of Imposter Syndrome and The Lawn Darts. And he sold his roto-toms a long time ago!
p the swede
Date: 6/12/2002
no, the best rhythm section in the world ever was at first place Benny Benjamin of Motown fame and in second place the drummer from one of the best rock (yes you read right) ever the Wailers (Bob Marleys band ) Carlton Barrett, but you can't forget Moe Tucker she's the coolest in Velvet. Drumkit opposite to record collection can be too big ;D
Scott K
Date: 6/12/2002
With all respects to your fine choice of drummers, p, I'm sure any blind man would disagree about the importance of kit-size. Even my brother, who has use of his sight ;-)
Date: 6/12/2002
This is really nice, and I will admit to being a huge Rush fan. Just ask Rob. And a Yes fan. And ELO. Why not? I've been hooked on Xanadu lately (the Rush tune, not the soundtrack, although you've got ELO on there too).
p the swede
Date: 6/12/2002
i never said that's any wrong with ELO. they just try to be a second rate beatles and that's fine with me
Sean Lally
Date: 6/12/2002
Fave (rock) drummers..... Well, clearly Peart doesn't make the cut for me. However, my short list would include: Jimmy Lester (Los Straitjackets), Keith Moon (pre-horse tranquilizer episode), Mike Musberger (Fastbacks, Posies, etc.), Bob Hoag (Pollen, and also once in a band of mine), Mick Avory (Kinks), George Hurley (Husker Du), and a few others. Oh yeah, Ringo.
Sean Lally
Date: 6/12/2002
As a basic rule to follow, if a drummer has more than a snare, 2 toms, and a floor tom, they're bound to be trouble. And don't even get me started on drummer with those rack-mounted kits. Kee-ripes. And roto-toms are the instrument of the devil.
Date: 6/12/2002
My fave drummer is Helen Wiggen.
Date: 6/12/2002
Whoops I spelled her name wrong--Helen Wiggin.
Rob Conroy
Date: 6/12/2002
Ha! Cool mix, Seanald. I hope you've burned my copy already... nice to see that you chose to pass up that infernally disgusting "Karn Evil 9" tune (yes, folks, that was one reason--Rush being the other, Jana--that we did sister mixes instead of one). No thanks for my track donations, eh? ;-) I'd have to agree that the particular ELO song you chose was cheating (I'd have used the damned thing if it were "prog"), but it *is* their best song... As far as fave drummers, let me back Sean up on his criteria (kit size, that is). I'd vote Keith Moon, Ringo, John Bonham, Charlie Watts and Mike Musberger as my faves off the top of my head.
Rob Conroy
Date: 6/12/2002
Oh, drop my comment about the track thank-yous. I just saw your feedback remark to that effect.
Scott K
Date: 6/12/2002
My fave drummer (who I'm not related to) would probably be Ringo (there goes my Beatles past sneaking up on me again!) But *everyone* mentioned rocks the house!
Date: 6/13/2002
thank you thank you thank you thank you ever so thank you thank you thank you oh so much oh thank you thank you thank you for not including any Ambrosia.
Mike Pike Set
Date: 6/13/2002
I can see the big elephants dancing here!
Date: 6/13/2002
Hmmm, must be something in the air these days. I too have recently given some of the Rush lps another chance...., a sister-in-law too young to hear them the first go-'round is VERY interested in them, I had a notion to put together a comp' tape of their stuff.....I just couldn't listen to it. At all. Otherwise a good mix Sean. As a huge ELO fan ("Face the Music") I like any choice by them. As for drummers, make mine Topper Headon or Terry Chambers.
Sean Lally
Date: 6/13/2002
Neil Peart could learn a thing or three from Helen Wiggin.
Mike Pike Set
Date: 6/20/2002
Hi Sean!
I love Traffic, Dear Mr.fantasy is a great song, my fav album with Traffic is John Barleycorn must die, god damned i must buy the new remastered version;(, I really want to trade with you again, yes i think i need a copy of Lyres On fyre, help you Ann is one of my new fav songs, please give me a mail wich mixes you want me to burn and your add again! I'll do the same after!Take care, Mike.
Date: 6/25/2002
Incidentally Sean, George Hurley was not the drummer in Husker Du. Personally, my favorite stickman was always Rick Buckler.
Sean Lally
Date: 6/26/2002
Honest to god, I can't believe I wrote Husker Du - clearly, I meant the Minutemen. What the hell was I thinking. Actually, I'm surprised no one else (espec. Rob Conroy) caught that. Thanks!
Rob Conroy
Date: 7/30/2002
I caught it but didn't want you to feel like a heel. Leave it to "DeeDee" (David Daniel), our friendly overseer, to correct you.
Date: 9/11/2002
Sean, you already know how I feel about the Prog..but I have to admit to really liking tracks 11, 12 and 13. I too have a hard time listening to Rush these days, but I have fond memories of that album from my junior high years too.
Date: 11/8/2002
I love punk! I love prog! Nuthin wrong with both. After 24 minutes of Supper's Ready, I enjoy Blitkrieg Bop for dessert! Hey that's just me!
Date: 6/24/2003
progressive music makes for some of the oddest breakdancing I have ever seen. some friends and I recently went on a day trip to toledo, ohio, where they listen to almost nothing but prog. well, after hiking about in the city parks for a few hours and eating at a local fastfood joint, we stumbled upon on of the largest breakdance circles I have ever seen!!! and they were breakin' to that yes album that is, like 3 hours long, and has, like 2 songs on it! way cool!