
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 9
Total Feedback: 13

Other Mixes By Cath1

MP3 Playlist | Electronic - Ambient
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Electronic - Ambient

Oh Me

Artist Song
Counting Crows  Mr Jones 
Bob Dylan  If you see her, say hello 
Smiths  Suedehead 
ColdPlay  Shiver 
Joni Mitchell  Blue 
Meat Puppets  Oh Me 
Radiohead  Talk Show Host 
Dj Shadow  You cant go Home again 
The Crocketts  Will You still Care? 
Jeff Buckley  Kangaroo 


I felt this site has become strangely devoid of the classic songs lately since a lot of people prefer to throw together new music...after all this site is called 'THE ART of the mix...'' anyone agree?


David Razzle
Date: 6/12/2002
I think it's important that we consider, in depth, the direction that this site - and song selection on this site - is taking. Kidding.
Date: 6/12/2002
not to be a stickler for semantics, but if we're going to talk about the meaning of "the art," perhaps we should also discuss the meaing of the word "indie." and since when is dj shadow classic? don't get me wrong, these are some pretty good songs, but you ought to explain yourself when putting down the "art" of others' mixes simply because they pick new music.
Date: 6/13/2002
"Classic" is in the eye of the beholder. Yet, I'm sure there are some songs that are definite classics and some that aren't. It's somewhat subjective, and I can see someone's lack of faith in mixes chock full of Ladytron, The Get up Kids, and Bright Eyes, but different songs mean different things to different people. Personally, mixes that combine the old and the new, the obvious and the obscure, are the best ones. And personally, I find DJ Shadow's "Endtroducing" to be a "classic" for what it's worth.
Date: 6/13/2002
Well sorry to offend so many, let me explain that depending on where you live in the world, its difficult to find a lot of the music that people include on this site and rather than continue to baffle many people who simply cant find them, its also good to make a theme of classics dont you think? ..and it isnt about putting down other peoples music becuase its new, its about the fact that sometimes there is a distinct relation between what people comment on and how obscure it is, for instance, if i hadnt have made the comment i did would anyone here have replied?
On and end note, 'indie' is what i would define the bulk of this mix but not all of it. What is disheartening is that generally the more obscure the choice of artists in the mix the more it is commented on.
Date: 6/13/2002
Oh, I wasn't offended, I was just offering my two cents, whether it was wanted or not. And you definitely have a point. I find that indie rock, in and of itself, can be limiting, but so can anything else. The real art is in creating a mix that sounds good and flows, indie cred, classic, or not. But i don't think anyone's really upset here. To quote Noel gallagher, "it's just music."
I just have a hard time putting words like "art" in the same sentence as "Counting Crows."
I'll take even a mediocre indie artist like Bright Eyes over that nine tenths of the time.
Date: 8/21/2002
Counting Crows!?!
Date: 8/26/2002