
Member Since: 5/31/2001
Total Mixes: 60
Total Feedback: 18

Other Mixes By FrancescaFiore

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Narrative
CD | Theme - Depression

One True Haircut...

Artist Song
OKGo  Hello My Treacherous Friends 
The Hives  Supply & Demand 
Beulah  Popular Mechanics for Lovers 
Saves the Day  Ups & Downs 
Rival Schools  Used for Glue 
Weezer  Mo' Beats 
Elbow  Red 
Spoon  Everything Hits at Once 
The Reputation  Either Coast 
Alkaline Trio  Fuck You Aurora 
Sparta  Cut Your Ribbon 
Death Cab for Cutie  Sleep Spent 
Denali  Gunner 
Audio Learning Center  Broken 
The Anniversary  The D In Detroit 
Get-Up Kids  Mass Pike 
David Bowie  Slow Burn 


One of two discs for my friend Huyser. He asked me to make him a mix of some of the stuff I've been listening to lately. I got a little carried away and it overflowed onto two discs. I'm not sure how much of this he'll like. He's kind of a Poison/Slayer/Slipknot/Barenaked Ladies fan. He's an odd little guy, but very cool. I hardly see him anymore since I quit my job in Milwaukee, but we'll hang out at the Promise Ring show up that way next month. This is really more information than you really need for a mix, isn't it? ;) The title is from the Chinkees song on disc 2.


Emily Stein
Date: 8/26/2002
This is excellent! I got mo' beats than y'all...Keep Fishin' still seems small...tra la la...
abigail dice
Date: 8/26/2002
I love both discs!! hehe. they are great. poor little button! :) hehe. that phrase will stick with me for awhile yet.
Date: 8/26/2002
Oh, I like this disc just as much.