
Member Since: 5/31/2001
Total Mixes: 60
Total Feedback: 18

Other Mixes By FrancescaFiore

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Narrative
CD | Theme - Depression

John, Jack & Joe- Not Just Presidents Anymore

Artist Song
Ash  Jack Names the Planets 
David Bowie  John, I'm Only Dancing 
Concrete Blonde  Joey 
Grateful Dead  Uncle John's Band 
Nina Simone  The Gal from Joe's 
Billy Joel  Captain Jack 
Tahiti 80  Hey Joe 
Verbena  John Beverly 
Rolling Stones  Jumpin' Jack Flash 
Beastie Boys  Johnny Ryall 
Liz Phair  Soap Star Joe 
Fountains of Wayne  Joe Rey 
Spoon  Johnathon Fisk 
Poe  Trigger Happy Jack 
Dan Bern  Joe Van Gogh 
The Beach Boys  Sloop John B 
McGarrigle Hour  Johnny's Gone to Hilo 


So, I was sifting through my CDs, preparing to make a mix similar to Emily Stein's "A is for Anna" mix only with guys' names instead of girls. While I was looking I noticed a pretty high occurence of songs mentioning John, Jack or Joe. Therefore, I deemed these three men worthy of their own mix. Here you have it.


A Mysterious Wayfarer
Date: 9/19/2002
Good ol' President Joe. How I miss him. p.s. you forgot the song, "Joe, Jack and John do the Stab Dance" by the Joe Jack and John Gang.
Sean Lally
Date: 9/19/2002
We should not now, nor ever, forget "My friend Jack" by the Smoke. I'll put it on my version of this mix, dedicated to our current "president", Jack Ass. (Heh, I kill me.)
popkulcher (Marc Fagel)
Date: 9/19/2002
A rare mix where a truly absurd theme actually results in the inclusion of a fair number of great songs. Kudos on Soap Star Joe and Joe Rey. A few thoughts for Version 2.0: The Turtles' "Surfer Joe"; King Crimson's "Neal & Jack & Me"; Pink Floyd's "Not Now John"; Pavement's "Sue Me Jack"; etc.
Date: 9/19/2002
good idea!
abigail dice
Date: 9/19/2002
wow, very nicely done as always Kristina! I like this a lot. too bad I'm so totally behind on the musical times and haven't heard much of this! erk. anyways. I think Em will like it! she better ;)
Emily Stein
Date: 9/24/2002
Ooh, this is cool! I do indeed like it! :)
Date: 9/26/2002
Ahh "Joey" is one of my favorite songs in the cosmos. This looks very nice. Can I trade for a copy? ;)
Date: 10/4/2002
came in the mail yesterday. i gotta say i had heard barely any of these songs, and i guess that's the beauty of mix trading. although i adore the whole mix, the stretch from the dead to verbena just killed me. SO good. and i had never heard any of those songs (the tahiti 80 hey joe is hands down my fav track on the cd. kick ass.) nina simone mellowed me right out. this cd gave me my first experience with listening to the dead, something i've been trying to get around to for a long time now. thanks a ton. oh and the poe song, it's been YEARS since i heard that! i just heard that spoon track for the time a couple weeks back. beastie boys, stones, beach boys, bowie are all classics. this mix.... so good. thank you.