
Member Since: 11/7/2001
Total Mixes: 16
Total Feedback: 4

Other Mixes By yourherokate123

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

the story of my broken heart: xo...a break up and break apart

Side A
Artist Song
elliott smith  alameda 
frente!  explode 
saves the day  freakish 
kyle fischer feat. cait de marrais  just one more day 
mundy  to you i bestow 
jude  the asshole song 
alkaline trio  southern rock 
elliott smith   waltz #2 (xo) 
ben folds five  selfless, cold, and composed 
eels  mr. e's beautiful blues 
lauryn hill  ex-factor 
Side B
schatzi  the spider smells disaster 
silverchair  do you feel the same 
radiohead  talk show host 
fiona apple  shadowboxer 
blur  tender 
the cure  the kiss 
weezer  butterfly 
alkaline trio  hell yes 
dashboard confessional  saints and sailors 
hot rod circuit  the pharmacist 
geoff farina  fire 


this tape is probably the most wonderfully thought out tape i have ever made. i'm so proud of it. these songs may or may not be the best songs ever, but they capture the gamut of emotions i have gone through since i broke up with my boyfriend in july. it's a narrative tape...goes through everything. wowee. i love this tape. it was my therapy, and now i feel great. i wanted to put a secret track at the end, so i could give this to him as a peace offering, but i ran out of room. maybe i'll give it to him anyway...and pray that he doesn't take it too personally.


Date: 9/28/2002
wonderful. waltz #2, tender, to you i bestow, butterfly, talk show host, selfless cold and composed... staple tracks. love the mix. give it to him, either way it's a damn good mix and he's sure to enjoy it.