
Member Since: 9/22/2002
Total Mixes: 47
Total Feedback: 100

Other Mixes By crackity

CD | Theme - Road Trip
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Country

who put the boys in the clubhouse

Artist Song
limblifter  hostess 
ben folds  fired 
black rebel motorcycle club  rifles 
crash test dummies  keep an eye on things 
wilco  student loan stereo 
modest mouse  tiny cities made of ashes 
my bloody valentine  cupid come 
pretty girls make graves  sad girls por vida 
hawksley worksman  your beauty must be rubbing off 
lou reed  vicious 
the lucy nation  alright 
flaming lips  knives out 
aesop rock  daylight 
mr. lif  new man theme 
pharcyde  passing me by 
blackalicious  sleep 
deltron 3030  memory loss 
mos def  know that 
neko case  stinging velvet 
the birthday party  cry 
pulp  mile end 


title is from the crash test dummies song. no particular rhyme or reason... just what i'm listening to tonight. i posted it because i'm bored and want something to do while this mix finishes playing.that modest mouse song is AWFUL.


Date: 10/10/2002
i like that modest mouse, skank. it's on my best of.
Date: 10/11/2002
i actually enjoy listening to it, is the funny part... but it's DISCO fer chrissakes. what the hell happened to the bland indie rock we know and love?
Date: 10/11/2002
i havnt heard that dummies song in ages. i always thought it was amusing
Something Different
Date: 10/12/2002
good deltron 3030 pick