
Member Since: 1/6/2001
Total Mixes: 113
Total Feedback: 803

all the elastic bands in the universe are on my wrists

Side A
Artist Song
ben folds  still fighting it 
the lucksmiths  myopic friends 
ani difranco  untouchable face 
herbert  you saw it all 
portishead  mysterons 
moby  porcelain 
augie march  asleep in perfection 
Side B
janis joplin  get it while you can 
everything but the girl  another bridge 
george  polyserena 
lou reed  sunday morning 
beck  nobody's fault but my own 
the lucksmiths  mars 
william blake (read by sara)  london 


for an old friend who's screwing an idiot. if you leave flowers out of water they have a tendency to die. i have to go to school at some stage this morning. i have two sats today. it's only 36 days or so until i've finished school and all my exams. then i can get into serious training for the new years eve "passions" drinking game extravaganza.


Date: 10/15/2002
Nice mix, Rosie. Wow, only 36 days - you must be getting psyched, but I'm sure you're nervous about your exams, though. A girlfriend of mine is a teacher (art, in a public high school), so she's always counting the weeks til the next holiday! I think she has another 12 to go until the next one (WA just finished up its school holidays last week).
Rob Conroy
Date: 10/15/2002
"Sunday Morning" is a Velvet Underground song, not a Lou Reed song, Ms. Rosie. Cool mix.