
Member Since: 8/10/2002
Total Mixes: 171
Total Feedback: 7

John Wesley Harding - Anthology

Artist Song
John Wesley Harding  If You Have Ghosts 
The Devil In Me 
She's A Piece of Work 
Crystal Blue Persuasion 
Like a Prayer (Madonna Cover) 
Cathy's New Clown 
It Stays 
I'm Wrong About Everything 
Kill The Messenger 
Here Comes The Groom 
Kiss Me, Miss Liberty 
Window Seat 
The Person You Are 
Negative Love 
Summer Single 
When The Beatles Hit America 
Nothing At All 
Your Ghost (Don't Scare Me No More) 
Old Girlfriends 


This was the last mix I was working on when AG went down. I managed to get three tracks from his (as of yet) still unreleased latest CD (tracks 7, 14, and 17). The rest are his singles, rare tracks, etc.


Sean Lally
Date: 10/23/2002
Awesome. Just saw Wes on Sunday. He never disappoints. The new disc is also great (Dynablob 4). He has another in the can, but he label went belly-up and the disc won't be out until next year. Great work.
Date: 10/23/2002
I absolutely have to hear that first cut, off the Roky tribute, at the, headphones on! Some Good Liars.
Date: 10/23/2002
I've been wanting to do one of these for a friend for a looong time. This is a nice summary, although I would have to include "The Peoples Drug", "Dead Centre of Town" & "Talking Return Of THe Great Folk Scare..."

Nice Work!
Date: 10/23/2002
It Stays is a beautiful song! I'm kicking myself now for not bidding on an advance copy of The Man With No Shadow that I saw on Ebay this time last year. Sean's right about Swings and Roundabouts (D4), it's quite good, and Wes truly never does disappoint. Maybe the most entertaining performer I've ever seen. And yesterday was his birthday! Great mix!