
Member Since: 2/19/2000
Total Mixes: 13
Total Feedback: 0

Other Mixes By Askins

Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock

KCOU Set - 17 February 2000

Side A
Artist Song
Rick Rizzo/Tara Key  Low Post Movement in D (Format) 
Mogwai  Superheroes of BMX 
Southpacific  Alamo (Format) 
Slowdive  Celia's Dream 
Black Heart Procession  Destroying the City of Hearts (Format) 
Galicja  Heart of Glass (Format) 
Switchhitter  Oklahoma! 
Turing Machine  The Doodler (Format) 
Vue  Her Moods (Format) 
Mouse on Mars  Yippie (Format) 
Side B
Bowery Electric  Fear of Flying - Third Eye Foundation Mix 
Lush  Sweetness and Light - My Bloody Valentine Mix 
Mt. Florida  Lost in Satie (Format) 
Ganger  Lid of the Stars 
Flying Saucer Attack  She is the Daylight 
Two Dollar Guitar  Pink and Green (Format) 
Kingsbury Manx  Pageant Square (Format) 
Three Berry Icecream  Marble Arch (Format) 
Valvola  The Guitarmaker's Adventure (Format) 
Pele  Egg (Format) 
Rollerball  1/2 Horse, 1/2 Pig (Format) 


Setlist for 17 February 2000 shift. As much as I love shoegaze/dreampop stuff, it's getting a litte redundant, so I just played a lot of format this week. Still, there were some gross repeats (I've played "Lid of the Stars" and "Low Post Movement in D" way too much lately, and I need to lay off the Slowdive). Next week's set is sure to be interesting...
