The Audit: The Beatles to Belle and Sebastian

Artist Song
beatles  norwegian wood (this bird has flown) (rubber soul) 
beatles  for no one (revolver) 
beatles  getting better (sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band) 
beatles  i am the walrus (magical mystery tour) 
beatles  i'm so tired (s/t disc 1) 
beatles  sexy sadie (s/t disc 2) 
beatles  something (abbey road) 
beatles  let it be (let it be) 
beatles  i feel fine (past masters v. 1) 
beatles  we can work it out (past masters v. 2) 
beatles  please please me (anthology 1 disc 1) 
beatles  all my loving (anthology 1 disc 2) 
beatles  yesterday (anthology 2 disc 1) 
beatles  penny lane (anthology 2 disc 2) 
beatles  hey jude (anthology 3 disc 1) 
beatles  the long and winding road (anthology 3 disc 2) 
b'ehl  tag (only a paper moon) 
chris bell  you and your sister (i am the cosmos) 
belle and sebastian  we rule the school (tigermilk) 
belle and sebastian  string bean jean (dog on wheels ep) 
belle and sebastian  lazy line painter jane (lazy line painter jane ep) 
belle and sebastian  a century of fakers (3..6..9 seconds of light ep) 
belle and sebastian  like dylan in the movies (if you're feeling sinister) 


v. 3 of the series. i hope i'm not annoying anyone by this point. this mix features two of my all time favorite songs from two of my all time records (care to guess?) poor b'ehl and chris bell are buried by the beatles and belle and sebastian in my collection, and i fear the next mix won't be much better...


Date: 11/16/2002
"Penny Lane" and "Lazy Line Painter Jane"....
Date: 11/16/2002
"For No One" and "We Rule the School"...or what Valis said.
Date: 11/18/2002
"you and your sister" and "string bean jean" (i assume valis and curtis are talking about their fave tracks? or maybe something else...)