
Member Since: 11/16/2002
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 11

Other Mixes By deneys

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Single Artist

some of them are sad & high (a glam/alt/country mix)

Side A
Artist Song
brian eno  needles in the camel's eye 
brian eno  the paw paw negro blowtorch 
brian eno  baby's on fire 
brian eno  cindy tells me 
brian eno  driving me backward 
brian eno  on some faraway beach 
brian eno  blank frank 
brian eno  dead finks don't talk 
brian eno  some of them are old 
brian eno  here come the warm jets 
wilco  jesus etc. 
Side B
deathcab for cutie  pictures in an exhibition 
bright eyes  false advertising 
the white stripes  why can't you be nicer to me? 
wilco  far, far away 
the velvet underground & nico  i'll by your mirror 
the shins  caring is creepy 
gillian welch  good till now 
neko case  deep red bells 
rosebud  care of your heart 
ben kweller  lizzy 
ryan adams  to be young 
deathcab for cutie  for what reason 
the white stripes  your southern can is mine 


side one is of course brian eno's amazing album "here come the warm jets," which i just discovered in my parents' collection this evening and fell in love with. this mix, however, is for my friend waylon--i don't think he owns or has even heard this record. side two is a bunch of other bands i semi-recently discovered, and though it was (at least consciously) unintentional, when put together that way they all sound very alt-country. and i dig it! i wanted waylon to hear it all because a) i want someone to discuss it with and b) i thought it would impress him. '; ]


Date: 11/21/2002
...if your parents have Eno in the collection I'd pay more attention to them. Also, I'd start digging into everything else they have in there....discuss it with them, too! Cool stuff. Best wishes on your journey...
Love "Pictures in an Exhibition," the Shins song is great too.