
Member Since: 11/22/2002
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 47

Other Mixes By E1234

Cassette | Theme - Narrative
CD | Mixed Genre

go baby go (the hell away)

Side A
Artist Song
Garbage   Cherry Lips 
Ape Hangers (?)  Ready Steady Go 
Matthew Sweet  Farther Down 
Okgo  Hello My Trecherous Friend 
Who's Yr Daddy  Lazy-B 
Screeching Weasel  Hey Suburbia 
matthew good band  suburbia 
toad the wet...  something's always wrong 
modest mouse  talking shit about a pretty sunset 
manic street preachers  nobody loves you 
barenaked ladies  material girl 
Side B
Lazy in Wait  I Don't Need No... 
Our Lady Peace  Sunflower 
Travis  Writing to Reach you 
lucious jackson  mood swing 
rem  the lifting 
los amigos invisibles  mujer policia 
volumen  miniture action jesus 
guster  it's TREAT! 

