The Audit: Lush to Mates of State

Artist Song
lush  500 (lovelife) 
lush  girl's world (single girl ep 1) 
lush  demystification (single girl ep 2) 
madness  house of fun (s/t) 
lois maffeo and brendan canty  give faith (the union themes) 
magnapop  13 (s/t) 
magnapop  slowly, slowly (hot boxing) 
magnapop  my best friend (rubbing doesn't help) 
magnetic fields  old orchard beach (the wayward bus/distant plastic trees) 
magnetic fields  young and insane (the house of tomorrow) 
magnetic fields  swingin' london (holiday) 
magnetic fields  fear of trains (the charm of the highway strip) 
magnetic fields  the village in the morning (get lost) 
magnetic fields  all my little words (69 love songs v. 1) 
magnetic fields  papa was a rodeo (69 love songs v. 2) 
magnetic fields  the death of ferdinand de saussure (69 love songs v. 3) 
barbara manning  end of the rainbow (1212) 
april march  garcon glacon (chrominance decoder) 
marine research  queen b (sounds from the gulf stream) 
mascott  waiting awhile (electric poems ep) 
masters of the hemisphere  meteor (s/t) 
mates of state  nice things that look good (my solo project) 


volume 17. lots of magnetic fields to be had here, but i'm sure that was to be expected. also, the rest of my lush collection and some other goodies.
